Chili and Onion Leaf Plants



Hello Hive Garden community and all plant lovers. How have you been these few days? Hope you all are always fine.

Today my brother-in-law came from my hometown, mother left two types of plants for me here.
I feel happy because mom really cares for me. A few months ago I came home to visit my mother, I saw that she had some very fertile plants such as leeks and chilies.
But I didn't have a chance to bring the plant because the car was driving was already full of stuff.
So when one of my relatives would come here I ordered to bring me the plant.This is the plant brought to me. When I came home, all of my mother's plants looked fertile.


The plant was planted in a plastic polybag, I am very jealous of it because it always succeeds when planting leeks. We both live in a very tropical area but somehow I have never succeeded in growing leeks, if I plant leeks it will all rot. All this time I was wondering if there was something wrong with the land. I had asked him, when I asked my mother, she replied that she only used ordinary soil when planting.


These scallions are carried on a car trip for approximately 12 hours, so it's only natural that some scallions are yellow in color and some are broken.
I really like to cook using scallions, such as cooking soup, frying tempeh and others.
I've also tried eating scallions that are still raw but it turns out to be less tasty and a little bitter, but there are some people who like it.
Do you like it too?

Besides the leek plant, my mother also brought me chili seeds. The chili seeds that were brought were a type of green cayenne pepper. Mother often grows chili at home and in the fields, apart from for her own consumption, it can also be sold in the market if the harvest is large. This chili tree turned out to be fruitful, this is very good I just have to wait for it to be harvested.




Incidentally these past few weeks the price of chili here is very expensive so this will help me later. My family and I are people who like spicy so I have to have a lot of chili stock every day.
Actually, I didn't ask my mother to bring me this plant because yesterday I only ordered scallions.
But I am grateful and will take good care of this chili plant.

I also have my own chili plant at home, the chili plant I have is a type of white chili pepper. The leaves are very fertile, have very dense flowers, some have also been fruitful.



This plant grows wild in the empty garden beside the house, so I take care of it.
I am so in love with this plant and I have no intention of transplanting it into a pot because I have tried it before and it died.

Since having my own house, I started to like any plants and tried to grow them at home, next time I also want to try planting vegetable seeds in pots.Because mother also brought me a bag of soil that has been fertilized so I will try.
Thank you for reading my post today hope you like it. Look forward to my next post.

Thank You and See You


Who is Dwi Purwandari?

Dwi Purwandari is an ordinary housewife, has a hobby of cooking, traveling and culinary, not many activities are done at home other than taking care of children and the household. Recently, he started to learn to write, because according to him, writing is one way for him to relieve stress, add insight, can improve mood and can express what feelings he wants by writing. He has a dream that one day he can become a successful person by writing. Be proud of you because you can write, because not everyone can be a writer. Love whatever profession you have, because all the work looks noble and your life is what you live. Spirit... never give up under any circumstances, because no matter what the circumstances are, life goes on. Thank you
