[ENG-SPA] Ladies of Hive Community Contest #87 || Which mythical creature would you like to see actually exist?


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Hola querida comunidad de Hive es un placer estar con ustedes aquí en este nuevo año, es un privilegio permitir estar con ustedes en este nuevo desafío que nos llena de amor a todas, espero sean bienvenidas una vez mas a mi blog. Un agradecimiento a la comunidad de las damas por mantener activos este tipo de concurso que nos incentivan hacer cosas diferentes en su semana, para mi siempre será una buena opción escribir para esta comunidad.

Cuando nos vamos al pasado nos damos cuenta las cosas que pensamos que habían existido es realmente mentira, quizás otras que han venido de la nada y en que creemos que pasara, tampoco lo será es por eso que como seres humanos nos vemos inundados en cosas que realmente pensamos que están presente cuando no es así, en esta oportunidad les estar compartiendo parte de las preguntas que están relacionadas para esta parte 87 del concurso de las damas de Hive, espero les guste mi participación. En otra forma también les compartiré aquellas cosas que creemos que a nosotros nos guste, pero a otros no, las combinaciones han estado presente en nuestra vida por mucho tiempo es hora de dar mi opinión y las mías al este público, espero les guste.


Hello, dear Hive community it is a pleasure to be with you here in this new year, it is a privilege to be with you in this new challenge that fills us all with love, I hope you are welcome once again to my blog. A thank you to the lady's community for keeping active in this kind of contest that encourages us to do different things in your week, for me it will always be a good option to write for this community.

When we go to the past we realize the things that we think had existed are a lie, perhaps others that have come from nothing and that we believe will happen, will not be either, that is why as human beings we are flooded with things that we think are present when it is not, this time I will be sharing part of the questions that are related to this part 87 of the contest of the ladies of Hive, I hope you like my participation. In another way, I will also share with you those things that we believe that we like, but others do not, the combinations have been present in our life for a long time, so it is time to give my opinion and mine to this public, I hope you like it.

1️⃣ ¿Qué criatura mítica te gustaría que existiera realmente?


Imagen de Xandra_Iryna en Pixabay

Realmente no sabemos a ciencia cierta si estas criaturas míticas existieron, pero sí que hemos oído muchas historias de fantasía, amor, drama y suspenso con referencia a ellos, para mi esta criatura es una de las más populares y las que uno puede considerar que pudo haber existido, pero no es así, solo es mito de este ser mítico que seguimos a través de los años y seguirá existiendo en nuestro futuro ya que esto es una cadena de todo lo que aprendemos. Es descabellado ver un animal así que pueda echar fuego y que este a su vez sea de ese tamaña, quizás nos asociamos a los antepasados de los dinosaurios, pero no es así, solo son mitos y leyendas que las personas escuchan y repiten.

Los dragones son una de las especie a quienes más le tememos por su fuerza, valentía y la cantidad de cosas que pueden ocasionar con solo enfurecer a esa bestia, realmente a mí me gusta mucho su historia a pesar de ser algo que no existió, pero aun así podemos encontrar en la tierra animales que son referencias o parecidos a ellos los cuales estuvieron aquí hace más de 5 millones de años y que lo podemos conocer por nombre de Dragón de Komodo, también llamado el monstruo de Komodo, esta criatura se asemeja a los dinosaurios y pueden llegar a poner huevos los que lo hacen únicos en su especie, aunque hace mucho tiempo dejaron de existir.

Realmente me gustaría que esta criatura existiera ya que me parece sea útil para los humanos, seria genial y fantasioso poder volar con ellos y disfrutar de un paisaje más amplio, claro siempre y cuando estén entrenados para los humanos. Los dragones serian unas de las especies que estuviera habitando en los bosques o quizás en los desiertos, seria realmente impresionante aunque su tamaño infunda miedo a las personas.

We do not know for sure if these mythical creatures existed, but we have heard many stories of fantasy, love, drama, and suspense concerning them, for me this creature is one of the most popular and one that one can consider that could have existed, but it is not, it is the only myth of this mythical being that we follow through the years and will continue to exist in our future as this is a chain of everything we learn. It is crazy to see an animal that can throw fire and that this in turn is of that size, perhaps we associate it with the ancestors of the dinosaurs, but it is not so, they are only myths and legends that people hear and repeat.

Dragons are one of the species that we fear the most because of their strength, bravery, and the number of things they can cause just by enraging that beast, I like their history despite being something that did not exist, but still, we can find on earth animals that are references or similar to them which were here more than 5 million years ago and that we can know by the name of Komodo Dragon, also called the Komodo monster, this creature resembles the dinosaurs and can lay eggs which make it unique, although long ago ceased to exist.

I would like this creature to exist because I think it would be useful for humans, it would be great and fantasy to fly with them and enjoy a wider landscape, of course as long as they are trained for humans. The dragons would be one of the species that would be inhabiting the forests or perhaps in the deserts, it would be really impressive although its size instills fear in people.


2️⃣ ¿Qué combinaciones de comidas extrañas disfrutas realmente?


Imagen de Steve Buissinne en Pixabay

Entre las tantas comidas que he probado y he llegado a combinar considero que existe un trecho muy corto ya que no soy tan aventurera a comidas exóticas o quizás combinaciones extrañas por así decirlo, pero si hay cosas muy comunes que hacemos y parecen extrañas para otros pero que en lo particular disfruto mucho, esta pregunta es un poco extraña pero aun así la respondo con amor para ustedes. Las diferentes comidas que lleva el ser humano a su boca y estomago es sin duda alguna algo que le guste o les apasiones, cuando somos niños nos obligaban a comer cosas que quizás no nos gustaban pero que a nuestros padres si porque consideraban que era sano, ya cuando somos mayores todo cambia inclusive nuestros gustos alimenticios.

Una de las combinaciones que hago y me gusta mucho es los famosos doritos, pero agregar limón ya que para mis gustos esto sabe a cangrejo y me gusta mucho, también otra combinación que hago y a muchas personas no les gusta por su textura es comer cambur y poner casabe encima, otra combinación extraña es colocar al plátano mostaza ya que sus combinaciones son increíbles y a mí en particular me gusta. Los gustos pro las comidas son variados y las combinaciones que hago con pocas, unas conocidas y otras no tanto pero que me divierto con ellas.

Among the many foods that I have tried and have come to combine I consider that there is a very short stretch since I am not so adventurous to exotic foods or perhaps strange combinations so to speak, but if there are very common things that we do and seem strange to others but that in particular I enjoy a lot, this question is a little strange but still I answer it with love for you. The different foods that the human being takes to his mouth and stomach is undoubtedly something that he likes or passions, when we are children we were forced to eat things that perhaps we did not like but that our parents did because they considered it was healthy, and when we are older everything changes including our tastes in food.

One of the combinations that I do and I like a lot is the famous doritos, but add lemon because for my tastes this tastes like crab and I like it a lot, also another combination that I do and many people do not like it because of its texture is to eat cambur and put cassava on top, another strange combination is to put mustard banana because their combinations are incredible and I particularly like it. The tastes for food are varied and the combinations I do with few, some known and others not so much but I have fun with them.


Gracias a todos por estar aquí

Thank you all for being here

Gracias a todos los que me leen, los que participan en todo lo que hace la plataforma, aquellos que ayudan al fortalecimiento y crecimiento de la comunidad, gracias totales a quienes hacen vida en Hive, aquellos que recién llegan y a todos los que estamos aquí desde hace tiempo. Gracias a todos por su receptividad, por su amor y comprensión.

Thanks to all those who read me, those who participate in everything the platform does, those who help the strengthening and growth of the community, total thanks to those who make life in Hive, those who have just arrived and to all of us who have been here for a long time. Thank you all for your receptivity, for your love and understanding.

Invite: @daysiselena @yumelys25 @nayromero

Todo el contenido que se encuentra en esta publicación es amplia-mente original del autor, cualquier duda y recopilación del mismo, deben hacer mención de mi persona.

All the content that is in this publication is widely original of the author, any doubt and compilation of the same, they should make mention of my person.

  • El texto es original de: @nathyortiz
  • Todos los Derechos Reservados / © Nathy Ortiz
  • Fotografías tomadas de mi cámara DCM-LS, Panasonic.
  • The text is original from: @nathyortiz
  • All Rights Reserved / © Nathy Ortiz
  • Photos taken from my Lumix DCM-LS, Panasonic.


So dragons never existed?🤔🤔


Hello, they really did not exist, they are just myths of people, at least not with the characteristics that are denoted as such to a dragon.



It would be interesting to have dragons be around! How to Train Your Dragon comes to mind! I bet there would be people who liked having the dragons around and those who hate them!

And interesting combinations of food. One that I like is french fries and ice cream. Like at Wendy's with a frosty. Yum!!


Super interesting to have to look at a dragon in this day and age, it would be really amazing but as long as they are far away because we do not want them to be in the city destroying things in their path, but it would be nice if they had existed but they do not. The combinations are good but not all of them, the ice cream and potatoes are great, I didn't even remember them.

Greetings @apanamamama


This was interesting and fun to read. I've always wondered about dragons and what it would be like if they actually existed. Though i wouldn't want them to exist though, because i cant imagine casually walking to the store and the next thing i see is a dragon spitting fire and consuming everyone on the scene because someone said 'dracarys' like in Game Of Thrones. LOL.


I like dragons very much, they are a species that if they existed would be amazing but unfortunately it is not so, but if it were so true I hope to have them well away from the city hehehe. A big hug @atyourservice


They literally have attempted my murder and are trying to kill me with V2K and RNM. Five years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then. https://ecency.com/fyrstikken/@fairandbalanced/i-am-the-only-motherfucker-on-the-internet-pointing-to-a-direct-source-for-voice-to-skull-electronic-terrorism ..... https://ecency.com/gangstalking/@acousticpulses/electronic-terrorism-and-gaslighting--if-you-downvote-this-post-you-are-part-of-the-problem if you run into one of them you may want to immediately shoot them in the face. 187, annihilate, asphyxiate, assassinate, behead, bleed, bludgeon, boil, bomb, bone, burn, bury, butcher, cap, casket, choke, chop, club, crucify, crush, curb, decapitate, decimate, deflesh, demolish, destroy, devein, disembowel, dismember, drown, electrocute, eliminate, end, euthanize, eviscerate, execute, explode, exterminate, extinguish, finish, fry, grind, guillotine, gut, hack, hang, hit, ice, implode, incinerate, kill, liquidate, lynch, massacre, maul, microwave, mutilate, neutralize, obliterate, off, pop, poison, punnish, quarter, ruin, shank, shock, shoot, shred, skin, slay, slaughter, smoke, smother, snipe, snuff, squish, stab, strangle, stone, suffocate, suicide, SWAT, swing, terminate, torture, terrorize, whack, waste, wreck. You better fucking kill me.


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Dragons are indeed interesting. Sometime ago, I joked with Galen that I wanted a dragon for a pet, lol!


Los dragones son una criaturas, sorprendentes pero no solo eso también los considero que son protectores y amables. Aunque lamentablemente no existen solo en nuestra imaginación y en las historias. Saludos


Los dragones siempre estarán en fabulas, historias y cuentos, y pueden infundir terror, pero también se pueden entrenar, como la película lo dice 😅😂🤣 lo único que se, es que siempre estarán presente en nuestras imaginación. Y variedades extrañas en las comidas, tenemos todos. Bendiciones 🙏🏼🤗💐💓🐉


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