⚘Mujer como te defines ⚘🍃Woman, how do you define yourself ⚘🍃


Un saludo y un fuerte abrazo querida comunidad, es un placer estar nuevamente con ustedes💋

Greetings and a big hug dear community, it is a pleasure to be with you again

El día de hoy quiero comenta y compartir con ustedes un nuevo contenido diferente que nos puede ayudar a conocernos más como mujeres, como somos, que queremos y para dónde vamos. En muchas oportunidades de nuestras vidas nos desviamos y no sabemos que queremos hacer, por esté motivo me anime a crear este contenido, como nos definimos?

Today I want to comment and share with you a new and different content that can help us to know each other more as women, how we are, what we want and where we are going. On many occasions in our lives we deviate and we do not know what we want to do, for this reason I was encouraged to create this content, how do we define ourselves?

En primer lugar me defino como una mujer soñadora, me encanta soñar y soñar bonito, siempre soñé con una familia hermosa y la tengo, soy bendecida con mis hijos y mi esposo

First of all I define myself as a dreamy woman, I love to dream and dream beautiful, I always dreamed of a beautiful family and I have it, I am blessed with my children and my husband

Me defino como una mujer emprendedora, me gusta emprender nuevas ideas y hacer lo que me gusta, me he dedicado a la panadería, repostería,y quiero emprender un nuevo negocio que tengo en mente

I define myself as an enterprising woman, I like to undertake new ideas and do what I like, I have dedicated myself to baking, pastry, and I want to start a new business that I have in mind


Me defino como una mujer luchadora, siempre lucho por mis metas y mi mayor meta fue graduarme, con muy pocos recursos y la ayuda de mi esposo lo logre

I define myself as a fighter woman, I always fight for my goals and my greatest goal was to graduate, with very few resources and the help of my husband to achieve it
Me defino como una mujer sencilla, sensible amantes de la naturaleza, las flores
I define myself as a simple woman, sensitive, lovers of nature, flowers

Me defino como una mujer amistosa, enamorada pero sobre todo enamorada de la vida, de mi familia de mi esposo, de mis hijos

I define myself as a friendly woman, in love but above all in love with life, with my family, my husband, my children


Me defino como una mujer alegre, y sobre todo única en el mundo entero no hay otra como yo se lo aseguro, gracias por leer mi contenido mujeres bellas

I define myself as a happy woman, and above all unique in the whole world, there is no other like me, I assure you, thank you for reading my content, beautiful women


Dreamy woman I loved your blog and the pictures shared thank you for blogging in ladies of hive


Thank you beautiful woman, how good you liked it


What a delightful post! I think many of us can identify with many of the lovely qualities that you mentioned.


How good that you like it, what satisfaction you feel knowing that the content will like it and much more that you can identify with it. Thank you very much beautiful women


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