The End Of The Nation-State With Blockchain And Cryptocurrency

Many people have inquired as to how my claim that blockchain and cryptocurrencies will eliminate the nation-state came to be. People may consider this to be impractical.

In this post, we'll look at how the current state of affairs will usher in the death of the nation-state during the next century. The tools we're developing will bring down the world's most powerful organizations.

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The New Record-Keeping Model: Blockchain

Keeping records is one of the most important responsibilities of governments. Consider all of the different things we have to apply for and that governments keep track of. In the past, we had to file documents with specific government agencies in order to carry out whatever task we were attempting. We require a wide range of permits, titles, and deeds.
The first stage is expected to see a large portion of this transferred to blockchain. Decentralized systems will be preferred as we move away from centralized entities. At its foundation, blockchain is a record-keeping ledger. Consider how big of an influence this has on the services provided by governments.

This might equally be said of tangible objects. Possession is said to be 9/10ths of the law. When it comes to government, no way. They are the ones that claim ownership. As a result, in the future, real estate, automobiles, businesses, and a variety of other tangible objects will all be recorded in the same way.

The National-State Is Doomed

The Nation-State will be rendered obsolete by digitization and decentralization. We can see how certain aspects of national governments become obsolete, as indicated above. They won't be needed any longer.
That's something we're attempting to avoid. We shall operate on a networked level rather than a national one as a result of digitization. In reality, despite their many titles, we will engage with a variety of networks.

The Internet's next significant transformation will be to make it more immersive. This will bring people together in a very different way than it does now. The historical tensions will be minimized as we move away from national identity and toward one based on our own freely chosen assembly.
For more than a decade, Bitcoin has existed in the open. Anyone can attack it, but despite its near-$1 trillion value, no one has been able to do so. Consider how this concept would be 1000 times more powerful (or even 10,000). There is no method to obtain access if both the base layer and the foundation layer are really decentralized and dispersed.

Finally, localized governance of the physical arena may be required. People who live in the neighborhood may choose this option. The concept of the nation-state, on the other hand, will perish over the next century.

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