Ways to center our minds and calm down instantly.

Sometimes it feels like our mind is running 100 miles an hour, right? In between stressful hours, during a very busy day, it's hard to give rest to our brain. But we have to make the choice. And to make this thing easy, we can practice a few tricks.



  • Take a break and breathe.

There is nothing more helpful than cutting off ourselves from the situation right there. If your mind is going in the past or start worrying about the future; just after realizing this; stop right there. Or if you are in a busy meeting and not feeling focused, take a mental break. Take some breath in and out and give yourself a few minutes to calm down.

  • Shift your focus and do something.

This is another instant method. Distract your mind for a while and do something to bring back your mind from thinking about random things. Like stand up and take a walk, do some house chores, etc to distract your mind and to calm down.

It's true that cantering our minds is a whole lot of practice. But if only we do follow these two, we can make the thing easy. It will help us to notice where our mind is going and thus will help us to bring it back.

Remember, there is nothing easier to take a break mentally. It can be just for 30 seconds and you will notice you need to center your mind. And when we distract our mind, it automatically takes a break from the race.

Practice pause and break throughout the day on a daily basis. And you will feel a lot more focused and calm inside you.
