Is healthy eating the first rule to keep a healthy life?


Healthy eating- I guess we heard this thousand of time here and there. And many of us constantly try to eat healthily. It's really great if you can keep that. But for many, it's a struggle or something like a fight because it's a little contradictory to our today's lifestyle.



So, what it take to live healthy? Physical exercise? Healthy eating? Taking care of mental health? What actually?

Let's find out!

There is no need to say the necessity of eating healthy. I mean, you can't maintain a healthy life until you change your food to healthy. You can have good muscle, you can be sober but if you eat junk, oily and unhealthy food; you can't live a healthy life.

I guess all these reasons make it the thumb rule.

But there is something more...

Suppose you are eating healthy but you don't have a good balance in your life. Like you go to sleep very late, you drink, you don't do any physical exercise, you don't take care of your mental health or maybe you do take care some of this but not many. So we should not call that a healthy life, right?

That's what, heathy eating can be the ground rule but it solely can not change our life. We need to focus on a healthy lifestyle first.

And talking about healthy lifestyle, I mean everything. Because you will see many with a perfect body but having a toxic kind of mentality. They may seem very attractive, productive but their peace is long gone. You can't tell by looking their lifestyle but who knows, know it very well.

So it's better to move forward with some positive changes in our whole lifestyle than only focusing only on eating healthy.
