Pickpocket- A 3-part Weekend freewrite


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Simon surveyed the mob of nodding, talking heads until he found the face he was looking for at the eastern of end of the crowd. He hastened towards the pickpocket but he seemed to be walking faster. Simon noticed that some heads were moving towards the east with the criminal like they are gang members.

He paused. Calm and made sure his heart isn't beating fast again as he gazed with his left eye the gang as they made for the empty warehouse, probably to share their loot.

Then, he picked his phone, dialed Marshal.

Simon: where are you bruv?

Marshal: At the river bank with Moore. Just taking a walk.

Simon: Hasten please, join me in the path that leads to the general hospital.

Marshal: Aiit. In a jiffy.

Simon just stood there watching the gang as they tore the purse and other people's loot they have gathered for the day.

When Marshal arrived, Simon hurriedly bran through what play while he alighted from the bus heading to the bank. How he felt a hand ran through his neck, another through his pocket and suddenly realizing his wallet has disappeared.

His gave turned pink as he boiled with anger at what Simon just told him. As a martial art expert, Marshal asked Simon to telephone the police while he goes lion's engage the boys.

A loud screeching sound like metal clanging emanated from the warehouse but Marshal walked into the lions den with confidence to engage them.
