Exploring beautiful places in Canada


Good morning! Last few days I have explored few places which I'll be sharing my experiences with you guys. Yesterday turned out to be such a beautiful, but cold & windy day, so I bundled up & went over to the Moraine lake located in Banff national park, Canada. Eventually I sat down & watched the sun setting in the low mountains distance to over the very calm water! After the sunset, I started walking back while watching the afterglow which was even nicer than the setting sun! I took photos here & there along the way so you could get an idea of what I was seeing along my walk! It's a good thing that I wore my snowshoes or I wouldn't have been able to go very far without them in the deep snowdrifts! It was an interesting walk & some good exercise! Some of the photos aren't the best as taking photos into the sun is hard as there's so much contrast, hope you enjoy seeing them! Hope you enjoyed your day too.

 "1.jpg"Look at the endless layers of those waves in the turquoise blue lake Moraine made by the chilly wind flowing it’s silky smooth body away. Somewhere in there says Elma was here. Keep looking, the view is worth the stare. I dared to climb up a Rocky Mountain to capture this.


 "4.jpg" I feel a bit uncomfortable looking at the camera without wearing my Hijab.

 "3.jpg"My cousins always telling me to take their pictures as they consider me the best photographer.




Thanks for your time. Hope you guys enjoyed seeing my post. See you soon.

Map location [//]:# (!pinmapple 51.32806 lat -116.18261 long d3scr)


Un lugar de encanto, ya desearía conocerlo y tener ante mis ojos esa hermosa vista


De hecho, es uno de mis lugares favoritos. Definitivamente deberías visitar allí algún día.


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