After 6 long years, I am back to share with my family ❤️✌🏻

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Hello people ✌️

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Una de las cosas que me hizo mas feliz este año, fué poder compartir momentos y anecdotas con mi familia por parte de papá despues de 6 largos años de habernos visto por ultima vez, y es que debido a la situación que atraviesa Venezuela, muchos de nuestros familiares les ha tocado salir a buscar oportunidades en otros paises dejando atrás una vida construida y sus familias, para justamente, poder seguir apoyandolas y tener un mejor futuro. Mi papá fué el que tomó la decisión y emigró a Chile, donde luego de 6 años nos pudo hacer una visita y volver a abrazar a su familia que había dejado por cuestiones que no eran su culpa.

Yo soy de otro Estado, de Sucre especificamente, mi familia por parte de papá son de Caracas la gran mayoría, de la capital. Por eso tambien se me habia dificultado verme con ellos en tanto tiempo, ya que no habiamos podido coincidir, pero honestamente, la espera valió la pena, cada segundo valió la pena, y cada parte del viaje se transformo en un gran recuerdo.

En el video que les dejé, son pequeños fragmentos de un momento muy bonito que tuve con mi familia yendo a degustar de un sabroso jugo de una cadena de hipermercado llamado Forum, que es muy bonito y muy acogedor, y por mas que pueda parecer un simple momento, para mi fué un regalo maravilloso cargado de risas, anecdotas de la vida fuera de Venezuela de mi padre y de todas las cosas que ha hecho mi familia todos estos años, lo cual solo me queda disfrutar e inmortalizarlo en un video, foto y en mi memoria.

Muchas gracias por ver el video, y nos leemos mas temprano que tarde, un saludo y hasta luego!! 🤙

One of the things that made me happiest this year, was being able to share moments and anecdotes with my family on my dad's side after 6 long years of having seen us for the last time, and is that due to the situation that Venezuela is going through, many of our relatives have had to leave to seek opportunities in other countries leaving behind a life built and their families, just to be able to continue supporting them and have a better future. My father was the one who made the decision and emigrated to Chile, where after 6 years he was able to visit us and return to embrace his family that he had left for reasons that were not his fault.

I am from another state, from Sucre specifically, my family on my father's side are mostly from Caracas, from the capital. That's why it had also been difficult for me to see them for so long, since we had not been able to coincide, but honestly, the wait was worth it, every second was worth it, and every part of the trip became a great memory.

In the video I left you, are small fragments of a very nice moment I had with my family going to taste a tasty juice of a hypermarket chain called Forum, which is very nice and very cozy, and as much as it may seem a simple moment, for me it was a wonderful gift full of laughter, anecdotes of life outside Venezuela of my father and all the things that my family has done all these years, which only remains for me to enjoy and immortalize it in a video, photo and in my memory.

Thank you very much for watching the video, and we will read each other sooner than later, greetings and see you later!!!! 🤙


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