It's time to show some grafts and something else in the garden.

Look at that beauty, I hope you remember how it looked the previous time I showed it, despite not being in the time when cacti grow, this one is still growing thanks to the grafting that was done, let's see a little more of the garden.


Remember the mammillarias that I thought were variegated? Well guess what! They still have the same color, after transplanting them to their growing tray I put them in a shady place and today I checked them again and they still have that color, I hope they keep growing this way although I am also a little scared to think that they may die because they can not do photosynthesis, there is nothing else to do but keep waiting to see what happens.




Now let's see some of my grafts, the truth is that I see little growth, but I do see progress, for the moment they remain small in size but every time I see them they look like bigger cacti, the truth is that they look beautiful.





The one that really has me surprised is this little Ferocactus Latispinus, it doesn't stop growing and that's good for me, it's a real show to see it every day, I know that cacti grow faster when they are grafted but this one is really running to become an adult cactus, by the way I already made more micro grafts, but I'll show you those in another post.



Another surprise I saw today was this graft, the Echinopsis is trying to regenerate by forming a new head and pushing the scion out of it, tomorrow I will have to fix it by making a new cut, let's see what happens, or the other option is to wait and see what turns out in the end.


Of course I have cacti that I sowed from seed and they have grown quite a bit, they are part of my favorites and the grafts had to be on the Myrtillocactus that I bought the other day, this is what they look like today.




Today I went with my friend Fernando to pick up these mammillaria seeds, the truth is that I don't know whether to sow them at once or wait until spring since I am having problems with the germination of some seeds, luckily mammillarias are one of the easiest to germinate.


Fernando also gave me an asterias snow ball Offset, which of course I had to graft, you know I am crazy about grafting and although at the moment you may not understand why, when all these cacti start to flower, two or three years earlier than they do in nature, you will understand.



Another reason why I went to Fernando's garden is because he is going on vacation for a couple of weeks, so he gave me this mammillaria so that I can send him pictures of the flower since he has never seen it, and luckily for us, I will be able to share them with you.


Being in Fernando's garden I noticed that this cactus is very dehydrated, Fernando has tried to make it grow roots without success, so I asked him to give it to me to try something I saw in a YouTube video.



And so I did, I will keep it for 3 days directly in water and see the result, if in three days I don't see roots growing then I will make a second attempt with wet coconut fiber, I hope that one of these two methods will work, as an experiment it is a good activity.


The video I'm talking about is the following one, you can see what they talk about it at minute 22:29

By the way, something I am having problems with is the appearance of the graft holder, no matter how hard I try they always end up getting spots, although I don't see anything wrong with it, it is not fungus or any other disease, it is simply an oxidation that I have not found the reason why it comes out, I am still investigating on the subject, and that would be all for today, see you in a few days.


The huge spines on that little one look amazing. They all look great :)
Question: are you planning to keep them on the grafts, or remove them after they mature?


Thanks, I am planning to keep them on the graft until they have matured and give me their first flowers and seeds, after that I will take them down and set them to root and probably sell them to my friends, unless one of them shows a special characteristic and then I would keep it for many years with me.

I hope to live many years with them.


You are an accomplished cactus surgeon! 🌵

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Woahoo, these plants looks really interesting and you know, this is actually my first time of seeing all of them, lolz. I love how they open and close, but I wonder how it does that, hehehe.

Thank you so much for sharing this with us, I enjoyed every bit of this blog !LUV ❤️
