I will be back soon with my photographs.

It's been a long time since my last post in Hive, I've had a lot of work and my spirit is down, this September was two years since my mother passed away and that always affects me, plus the heat wave is still over the city, for example at this moment we have a thermal sensation of 38 degrees Celsius, the truth is that I don't feel like doing anything right now.

Still the other day I went out to the park and took the following pictures, they are not my best shots but considering the difficult weather I think they are ok. In a couple of days I'm going to get into hunting mode for the Turdus rufopalliatus to take better pictures to share.



In the following photo we can see how intense the heat is, you can see it in the color of the image, it even looks like a Hollywood movie, that's how they put the color in all the movies they say they are in in Mexico.


The areas closer to the pond are a little greener due to the humidity, and in truth the temperature was lower, as I say soon I hope to go out more often to take pictures, the forecast says this is the last week with heat, next week I will let you know if it was true or not, see you soon.




Few days ago I had to throw away few dead cacti and I was just wondering how are you and your plants. Good to see you back.


Glad to be in your thoughts and sorry about the cacti.

I have used this time to learn more about grafting and de-grafting, pollination, germination, I have done many experiments and have lost many seeds in the process, the good thing is that I no longer have to buy seeds because everything comes out of my garden, soon I will share with you my progress.

And I am also very happy to hear from you.


this September was two years since...

Monster! tanto tiempo ya tan rapido, dicen que el tiempo ayuda pero nunca dicen cuanto tiempo debe pasar para que realmente ayude en algo, te mando un abrazo desde la distancia y espero ver tus posts mas seguido nuevamente.


Muchas gracias @victoriabsb la verdad es que hay heridas que nunca cierran por completo, están ahí presentes causando dolor para recordarnos lo vivido, lo que fue, lo que es y lo que pudo ser.

Trato de pensar poco en ella y cuando la recuerdo siempre trato que sean los momentos más felices que compartimos, dicen que no debes pensar mucho en ellos para no detenerlos en éste plano, pero es inevitable no pensar en ella después de la forma tan rápida en la que se fue, no tengo remordimientos de ningún tipo porque siempre fuimos muy unidos, pero siento que aun me faltó más tiempo con ella y daría lo que fuera por un par de horas más con ella.

Por suerte veo su rostro y reacciones en mis sobrinas, son como un pequeño clon de ella y a dos años de su partida, aún siguen viniendo a dormir en la habitación de mi mamá todos los fines de semana.

Muchas gracias por tus palabras y si todo sale bien comenzaré a publicar más seguido, te mando besos y abrazos con mucho cariño.
