Some Random Thoughts


When it comes time to time management plans for meetings, events, or celebrations, we sometimes miss out on a happy event because there are too many that we need to prepare for. In order to combat this problem, think around the "best moments"; those joyful and remarkable moments that happen every now and again. With this mentality, you'll always be celebrating the most important events.


The moment you feel happy in the present, you also prepare for the future. This is part of the idea of living in the here and now- being in a continuous flow of happiness. The past continues to shape your memories and moments that have passed with time. The future is about creating new experiences, and new perspectives which should make for engaging conversation with friends and family who might have similar experiences that are not documented on social media.

We take time to enjoy the moments because they are rare like these.


What happiness is? You tell us.


A moment is an instance of time that is often too short for lasting consequences, but that nevertheless contains certain qualities, deepens one's personality, or changes the direction of their life; a mere opportunity missed wastefully, which might not return again. We can say that everything in life is merely an opportunity missed or a chance to go by. It will take multiple opportunities gone by to create beautiful memories in our hearts and moment that are not associated with money; they are memories and moments. From our experience, if you want to make your life more enjoyable and joyful, party less often and celebrate happy memories from yesterday.
