Wishing For New Character Nahida! || Genshin Impact 3.2 πŸ€


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Hello everyone! Today Genshin Impact 3.2 update just came out. I immediately wished for Nahida after testing her out. (The Sumeru archon!) She's a very important character in the story, as she is the god of dendro and rules the entire region of Sumeru. Anyways, these are how my wishes went. (Bear in mind I was about 50 wishes in the banner already from trying to wish for 4 star characters in previous banners, so I did not get her early)


This is her banner. Unfortunately the 4 stars in this banner weren't that great for me. I have c6 bennet and noelle already. And I don't use razor. πŸ₯΄ I was really hoping I didn't miss because I have a 50/50 to win, and I don't want to invest in these 4 stars haha. She's running alongside Yoimiya.


This is my first 10 pull in this banner. Of course I got bennet haha. Oh well, at least I get more star glitter (Which can be converted to even more wishes!)


My next 10 pull was bennet again πŸ˜† So more star glitter I guess. At least it's a double 4 star multi. I also got stringless 4 star bow which I was happy about because I don't have r5 of it yet! This will be a nice upgrade for my Venti bow πŸ‘€


I'm about 77 wishes at this point because of built up pity from the last banners. So I did a single wish and it's gold! (Which means a 5 star incoming) I was so nervous here haha, I was scared I was gonna miss the 50/50 😰


And I won the 50/50 YAY! I'm so happy 😊 I also just wanna say, wow Nahida's splash art is beautiful! 😍 It's her ult animation which is definitely one of the coolest looking ones in the game.


Now I have a full party of archons haha. Venti, Zhongli, Baal and Nahida! I did a little summoning ritual before this just for good luck πŸ˜‚ I put all the three archons in my party, ate some sweet food (Because apparently Nahida likes candy) and wished in Sumeru.


Here are some pictures I took of her doing her idles. They're super cute! The swing is my favourite. The neon light green colour is stunning. And her design is so adorable !!!


That's all for this blog. My luck was pretty average as I got her in about 78 wishes, but I'm glad I didn't miss the 50/50. I'm happy with her playstyle so far. I still need to do more testing and building with her. But so far she seems like she's going to be very overpowered in dendro reactions. Sooo excited to use her! 🀩

πŸ’š πŸ’š ~ Thanks for viewing !! ~ πŸ’š πŸ’š


Whoa! I actually don't have Venti yet since I'm not fond of archer characters, but I guess having all the archons in your roster of playable characters is something. Also, congrats on getting Nahida! I'm still on the process of pulling for her. I'm at the 60th pull already but maybe tomorrow. πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ€£

But somehow, I'm very excited for Scaramouch's alter(?) character, the Wanderer for Version 3.3!


Yess I plan on collecting all archons. πŸ˜† I'm also excited for scaramouche, I might pull for him too. And omg good luck in your Nahida pulls, hoping she comes home!


So you got Nahida? I wish I knew more about how wishes work! :D




Yes I got her. 😊 Wishes may seem confusing to people who don't play genshin πŸ₯΄ But basically I grinded lots of primogems through quests, events, exploration, etc. and then converted them to wishes. (160 primogems = 1 wish.)

To get a 5 star character it takes about over 75 wishes in average, but sometimes you can get lucky and get the character before that pity of 75 wishes. Also, you get at least one 4 star character every 10 wishes.

Before Nahida's banner was here, I was wishing for other 4 stars in previous banners, without getting a 5 star character, so I built up pity. This pity can carry on for the next banners. (Specific 4 star characters have an increased rate in different banners.) So at the time of wishing for Nahida, I was 50 wishes in, meaning on average I should get Nahida in the next 20 wishes, which I did. πŸ™ƒ

However, when wishing for the Nahida, there was also a chance I could've missed and got one of the standard characters. (50% chance) Luckily I didn't miss or I would have had to spend much more primogems! If you miss, your next 5 star is guaranteed to be Nahida.

Wow this is very long, sorry about that. πŸ˜… Hopefully it makes sense. Thanks for the comment!
