Macrophotography Bug "Bapak Pucung" Beautiful Insect Pest Farmers Plant #Fascinatinginsects6



Bapak Pucung

Hello..Good evening everyone...

In this afternoon's postigan.. I will again share some photos of insects that I got in the gardens of local residents. This is my sixth post in the "Fascinating Insects" community.

In the past, when I was a child, I remember very well, this type of insect was very easy for me to find. I can find it in the yard of the house. Moreover, in the yard of the house a lot of flowers grow on green plants. But unfortunately for the past few years I have rarely found it. If in the past I found this type of insect I always took it to play. Sometimes I find them mating. It could be said that the plantation area that is still green is the favorite place for these insects. Most likely they can easily move from one plant to another in search of food for their survival.

From its beautiful shape and color, it turns out that this insect is a pest insect that is the enemy of farmers. Many types of plants were attacked such as Kapok/ Cotton trees, Red Rosella, herbal plants and others. To the gardeners I met, I asked why it became a pest for farmers? He replied that Mr. Pucung's insects really eat the seeds of plants, making cotton seeds and flowers fail to develop into cotton.

In breeding, the adult female Bapak Pucung lays eggs consisting of 60 to 90 eggs each and lays them in the soil of the host plant. It can take up to five days to hatch and the nymphs will develop into adults in about 30 to 40 days, eating both seeds and flower buds to develop. [idntimes]


So, friends, below are some photos of the Bug "Mr. Pucung" that I will share, all the photos I share in this post were taken using a smartphone camera and the help of a macro lens, I hope you like it.


Bapak Pucung


Bapak Pucung


Bapak Pucung


Bapak Pucung


Bapak Pucung


Bapak Pucung


Bapak Pucung


Bapak Pucung

Camera ModelXiaomi Mi 8
LensQ-Lens 35mm
ProcessedSnapseed Apk
LocationAceh - Indonesia
Oringinal Picture@mohd.iqbal


Terms of use for these images:
Credit me, @mohd.iqbal as the creator of the image;
You may use these images only on Hive.
You may overlay text or edit it to suit your needs.
Those are some of the images that I can show today, I hope you all like it.

Regards: @mohd.iqbal
