RE: Robinhood Crypto vs Other Crypto Exchanges


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Due to the recent involvement of Robinhood in market manipulation by restricting users to trade on stocks like $GME, $AMC, $KOSS, etc my positive views expressed above have changed.

I was just about to say how Robinhood is protecting the interests of the wall street giants rather than retailers you know by preventing people from buying the stock..
NIcholus Mertin explains how he frowns upon exchanges like RObinhood that do that, inspite having the name like Robinhood, hypocrites.

Anyway... I defend Binance...because true Steem time they played a role for takeover, but they did not know what was happening or understand Steem. That I condemn, lets pass that.

When a major hack happened in Binance, the users were compensated for the lost funds as provisions were made for it with a amount of trading fees going to SAFU...
That deserves appreciation.

Binance are pioneers ...have you tried that Binance Smart wallet, it does reduce those Ethereum trading fees you know... they keep doing something interesting and Binance is more than a exchange you cannot compare it with Robinhood. They have decentralised Dex, a blockchain, all that is pretty cool.

Also, security. I think they have good festures for google authenticator, email and phone verification and one more too, feel pretty safe.

About fees, sucks but cryptos are costly because of miners and these scalability issues, its different than trading stocks in stock exchange. That sucks... but I am sure it will be less costly if not for blockchain costs.

And that point on representation of cryptos.

See when I buy BTC in Binance, it is BTC...that's why Binance have associations with mining pools, they get supplies of BTC which we can buy. Owning real BTC is important dear.

See you store your BTC in exchanges, its still BTC even if you don't own them as you don't own the private keys. But in Robinhood, you have to buy the value representations of BTC and that's it...just for trading. It's not a tall cool.

But I think if they do trade real cryptos will be costly, can't be zero fees because of blockchain aspects, maintainance and stuff.

You can't trust 3rd parties ofcourse, you should not be personally involved in having a heart felt stance in it.

Recently, I tried defending HIVE against Steem with a HIVE hater in Publishx, ever since then all I think of is forget the platform, think of the money. I know dear, what to do, HIVE also price is not increasing, some sell off is happening.

But I like to share that accusation that person levied on HIVE, if your there in discort, can share. I was pretty upset when such charges were levied you know and many others agree with it, and support Steem. I have cut my emotions off.

Just that LEo platform is in HIVE and so I feel some take off would happen, infact shifting to LEO some of my HIVE and trying out WLEO, have to disassociate with HIBVE and LEO prices are doing good, it would benefit too.

Please don't fight for my views on this, HIVE or Binance, not interested in nasty arguments. I tipped you HIVE because its a well written article with some valid points surely.


A lot of good points and I mainly agree. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
