Caminata justa y necesaria, en familia🥰💞 || Just and necessary walk, in family🥰💞 [Esp-Eng]



En medio de un torbellino de emociones que he tenido ultimamente junto mi pareja tambien, por problems familiares, es justo y muy, muy necesario tomar un poco de aire fresco. Hoy tuvimos la bendicion que el cielo estuvo despejado y decidimos salir a caminar 🚶un rato, hace unas semanas estabamos creando el habito, primero porque nos gusta caminar en las tardes y asi despegarnos un ratico de la tecnologia y compartir con los niños, y la segunda porque Ema lo hacia casi que obligatorio jaja si, es que llegaban las 5pm y comenzaba a llorar, y hasta que no la sacamos del cuarto con intencion de salir a la calle, ella no se quedaba quieta. Asi que lo estabamos haciendo un habito, pero pues en las ultimas semanas ha llovido MUCHISIMO, asi que las caminatas de las tardes se habian suspendido, pero afortunadamente ayer despues de este problema familiar, el cielo estaba despejado, y decidimos salir a caminar, y llegar hasta un skypar que tenemos relativamente cerca de casa, donde Chris juega hasta mas no poder jaja

In the midst of a whirlwind of emotions that I have had lately along with my partner also, due to family problems, it is just and very, very necessary to get some fresh air. Today we had the blessing that the sky was clear and we decided to go for a walk 🚶 for a while, a few weeks ago we were creating the habit, first because we like to walk in the afternoons and so take a break from technology and share with the kids, and secondly because Ema made it almost mandatory haha yes, it was 5pm and she started to cry, and until we took her out of the room with the intention of going outside, she would not stay still. So we were making it a habit, but in the last few weeks it has rained A LOT, so the afternoon walks had been suspended, but fortunately yesterday after this family problem, the sky was clear, and we decided to go for a walk, and get to a skypark that we have relatively close to home, where Chris plays to the max haha.




Pero antes de llegar al sitio, nos detuvimos a comprar una dulce para la merienda, compramos unas lenguas de suegra😂🤣 que se quedaron corticas para el tamaño real de la de mi suegra jajaja pero estas se comen, para los que no la conocer es un dulce a base de masa de horaldre, relleno con guayaba y a estas le ponen un poquito de chocolate en las puntas, son riquisimas, estaban tan buenas que no hubo foto🔥😂

But before reaching the site, we stopped to buy a sweet for the snack, we bought some tongues of mother-in-law😂🤣 that were too small for the actual size of my mother-in-law's, hahaha but these are eaten, for those who do not know it is a sweet based on pastry dough, filled with guava and these put a little chocolate on the tips, they are delicious, they were so good that there was no photo🔥😂


Luego ya llegamos al sitio, y Chris comenzo a jugar junto a su papi con la pelota, , desde futbol, hasta a pegarse la pelota (levemente obvio) escondidas y demas, mientras yo paseaba a Ema en su coche y aprovechaba de sacar algunas fotos, Ema estaba loca de bajarse de ese coche y ponerse a correr tambien😂😂

Then we got to the place, and Chris started to play with his daddy with the ball, from soccer, to hit the ball (slightly obvious) to hide and seek, while I took Ema for a ride in his car and took some pictures, Ema was crazy to get out of that car and start running too😂😂



Chris quedó SUPER sudado, su papi se aburrio de caminar con los pies y comenzo a hacerlo con las manos jajaja mentira, siempre practica la caminata de manos, y aprovechó ayer☺️

Chris got SUPER sweaty, his daddy got bored of walking with his feet and started to do it with his hands hahaha lie, he always practices hand walking, and he took advantage of it yesterday☺️



Ya luego descansaron un rato, bueno Chris obligado jaja segun el no estaba nada cansado, pero estaba hiper sudado y con la cara como un tomate jaja descansaron un rato y nos devolvimos a la casa, pero Ema no resistio y cayó rendida antes de llegara Casa, PEROOOOO al llegar se desperto inmediatamente jaja

And then they rested for a while, well Chris forced haha according to him he was not tired at all, but he was hyper sweaty and with a face like a tomato haha they rested for a while and we returned to the house, but Ema did not resist and fell asleep before arriving home, BUTOOOOO when we arrived she woke up immediately haha



Ya luego llegué haciendo la cena, y Chris estaba tan cansado que se durmio mucho mas temprano de lo que normalmente lo hace jeje pero pues nos ayudó ese fresquito, el estar respirando otro aire, y sobretodo estar los 4 junticos💜 como siempre le pido a Dios que nos mantenga, pase lo que pase mi familia siempre está primero, y de esta situacion chimba salimos juntos🥰

And then I arrived home making dinner, and Chris was so tired that he fell asleep much earlier than he normally does hehe but it helped us that coolness, to be breathing another air, and above all to be the 4 of us together💜 as I always ask God to keep us, whatever happens my family always comes first, and we got out of this bad situation together🥰.


Tener estas caminatas nos ayudan incluso a ser mas agradecidos, por tener la dicha de respirar, caminar, mirar, etc, nos quejamos demasiado y en ese monton de quejas no dejamos espacio para la gratitud, esta caminata me sirvió para ver que tengo a los hijos y esposo mas maravillosos del mundo 😍 y que si estamos juntos todo sin duda es mas llevadero💞

Having these walks even help us to be more grateful, for having the joy of breathing, walking, looking, etc., we complain too much and in that pile of complaints we do not leave room for gratitude, this walk helped me to see that I have the most wonderful children and husband in the world 😍 and that if we are together everything is certainly more bearable💞



Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad
Portada y separador de picsArt

All photos are my property
Cover and separator of picsArt


Holaa, las caminatas al aire libre con familia siempre siempre son buenas para recargarse de energías y respirar aire fresco, muy linda tu familia. Saludos
