Little Creatures. #Photofeed Contest Round 73. MACRO


The world is a complex community. Complex in the sense that there are several types of creatures living in it. We have the animals and the plants. Among these two broad families we have the subunits of them. So, looking at them closely we discover that there are several small units among them.

In my area there are many types of little creatures crawling around. This is a millipede. Millipedes seem to be dominant during the rainy season. The rain has started coming, so we are having a number of them going around. I don't know whether millipedes are harmful anywhere, but I personally feel uncomfortable seeing them around.

In our school days, we had a social club called Scouts. I don't know whether it is still invoked these days. It was fun belonging to it in those days, though our training then required that we should be caned much. One of the lessons we were taught in the Scout was that a scout is a friend to all animals. We were taught not to kill animals. You know growing up in the jungles of Africa, most of us were carrying the mentality of killing anything crawling around us.

Little creatures are fun. Let us allow them to have their own fair share of life. Those who are not harmful could be allowed to live peacefully.
