Do You lack the Education You Need to Become Rich?


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Naturally, ‘wealth’ can mean a lot of different things to different people. In addition to referring to one’s financial situation, some people emphasize being spiritually wealthy, which might mean simply feeling fulfilled in life. Others place an even greater emphasis on health.

It’s certainly true that financial wealth, no matter how great it may be, is of little value if you do not enjoy good health, but let us reserve wisdom and health for another article.

First, why should we aspire to attain great wealth?


They say money makes the world go round, and it certainly opens doors and makes life’s journey easier! Some books and general media commentary states everybody’s goal is to become financially wealthy because only a rich man can fulfill his true potential in life by exploring all that the world has to offer. Others say that you should become wealthy because, without money, you are powerless to help others and positively impact the world and those you care about most.

It is certainly easy to come up with a dozen reasons why personal financial wealth should be our priority. Millions of young people worldwide leave school without a personal finance education and knowledge of wealth-building strategies, fundamentally unequipped to take care of their finances.

Why do so many leave school and even university without receiving a single class on the banking system and fractional banking, the role of the Federal Reserve, currency devaluation, how mortgage interest is calculated, the power of compounding, and why taking on excessive debt through credit cards or other debt instruments is equivalent to? The result? So many people spend their whole life working a job they do not enjoy with the dream of someday paying off a massive mortgage and, even worse, additional credit card debt.

Most of us believe that something is fundamentally wrong with the system but believe we have no choice but to go along with the status quo as the fate of our money as taxpayers are determined behind closed doors. Bailouts favor the banks and the rich, while the average Joe loses his job and is presented with ever-larger grocery bills.

This era of cryptocurrency is an essential and once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. An opportunity for the average Joe to break the cycle and take back control. This is our chance to educate ourselves about this fantastic opportunity and not just see it as an opportunity to get rich quickly. What are you going to do?


Thank you for reading and hope you have a good rest of the day!

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I lack financial education to know how to reach market changes. I've always said that this is due to my old-style schooling, but maybe I shouldn't blame others and see what I can do from now on. Maybe doing some trading courses to learn some technical analysis techniques could make me prepared for abrupt changes and what to track from that point on...


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That may be a decent goal to put on the list for 2022!


Knowledge is one thing. However, it requires more than that. We need to have the consistency and willingness to take the action.

Many people know how to lose weight yet how many do? It is the same thing with wealth.

Here is the simple formula:

Spend less than you earn and invest the difference

Of course, how many actually even do the first part?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


100% agree. If you unable to reduce expenses; when do you get rich, you just gonna up your lifestyle costs.
