A moonlit night in my little garden [Eng/Esp]

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In different occasions I have published about my small garden because I have little space for it in my yard, however in pots I have taken care of small medicinal and ornamental plants.

In our country Venezuela the power cuts are more and more constant and at times that we never expect, so without warning it can be at dawn, in the middle of the day or in the afternoon/evening.

The time that the electricity was limited was between 6:30 pm and 8:30 pm, at that time the heat was still very strong. I sat my mother near the fence so that the little breeze that was blowing at that time would cool her down a bit.


My husband was rocking in the hammock we hung at the end of the hallway where we usually watch TV. I sat outside on the porch as we called the space before entering the house, it was a beautiful moonlit night, not a full moon but it was a time to let the moon be seen. It made the night a little less dark.

I took my cell phone and started to record the plants with just the light provided by the device.


My wonderful lemon plant that has given us gifts on different occasions and has been home to different pairs of birds that have decided to make their nests in its branches.

A sky illuminated with bright moonlight, I liked the way it looked even though I never take pictures of the sky and even less without electricity. The shapes of the clouds I look at later and I am surprised by the shapes that almost speak.


A few hours without electricity and I liked to entertain myself capturing the little plants in pots that were near me.

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When the electricity came on, I turned on the air conditioner, cooled down the room where my mother rests and took her there to cool down as well. I had fun taking the pictures and seeing the results.Which I now share here.

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Cover image. Property of the author. Edited in Canva with her own resources. November, 2023
Photographs property of the author. Taken with ZTE Blade A5 2020 cell phone.
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Original content
Translator DeepL

Feliz navidad (1).png

spanish version (click here)

Una noche de luna en mi pequeño jardín

En distintas ocasiones he publicado acerca de mi pequeño jardìn porque tengo en mi patio poco espacio para ello, sin embargo en macetas he cuidado de pequeñas plantas medicinales, ornamentales.

En nuestro paìs Venezuela ya las idas de la electricidad son màs constantes y en horarios que nunca esperamos, asì sin avisar puede ser de madrugada, en pleno mediodìa o por la tarde/noche.

La hora que nos limitaron la electricidad fue entre 6:30 pm y 8:30 pm en ese rato el calor estaba muy fuerte todavìa. Sentè a mi madre cerca de la reja para que la poca brisa que hacìa en esos momentos la refrescara un poco.

Mi esposo se mecìa en el chinchorro que colgamos al final del pasillo donde solemos mirar la Tv. Yo me sentè fuera en el porche como le llamamos al espacio antes de entrar a casa, hacìa una noche linda de luna, no luna llena pero si era un momento de dejarse ver la luna. Esto hacìa un poco menos oscura la noche.

Tomè mi teléfono celular como y comencè a registrar las plantitas solo con la luz que brinda el aparato.

Mi maravillosa planta de limòn que nos ha dado regalos en diferentes ocasiones y ha sido hogar de diferentes parejas de aves que han decidido hacer sus nidos en sus ramas.

Un cielo iluminado con luz brillante de la luna, me gustò como quedò a pesar que nunca tomo fotos al cielo y menos sin electricidad. Las formas de las nubes las miro despuès y me sorprende las formas que casi hablan.

Unas horas sin electricidad y me gustò entretenerme captando las plantitas en macetas que estaban cerca de mi.

Al llegar la electricidad, a prender aire acondicionado , refrescar la habitación donde descansa mi madre y llevarla hasta allá para que se refrescara también. Me divertí tomando las fotos y viendo los resultados. Que ahora comparto por aquí.


Buenas, buenas de regreso y visitando blogs de los amig@s!!!
Un abrazo!
