How To Create A Conducive Workspace That Fuels Your Productivity As An Entrepreneur.


Good day everyone, hope you all are doing good? This is the beginning of an exciting two part series, which promises to be informative and also educative, do well to follow all the parts, as you will definitely gain 1 or 2 useful information from the series. In today's article, we would be looking at two(2) ways we can create a conducive workspace at home that will fuel our creativity and productivity.


Photo by Surface on Unsplash

In recent times, many people are getting remote jobs which could be as a result of the pandemic. And we are hearing of how Metaverse is setting up virtual office platforms for better working experience from home for workers. So, we are entering an era where most people will be working from home.

Working from home isn't so easy, as we can easily get distracted or lost doing an irrelevant stuff and that will most likely decrease our levels of creativity and productivity.

The question now is, how do we create a conducive workspace that will help us improve our level of creativity and productivity as an entrepreneur or a worker.


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Natural Sunlight

It is quite advisable you try to make room for some natural sunlight into your workspace. That is, open your curtains or blinds, and let in the natural sunlight. This will provide you with Vitamins D which is essential for better sleep at night and as we know, whenever a person is well rested at night, his/her level of creativity or productivity the next day is greatly improved.

Not only those natural sunlight help provide Vitamins D to us, it also, ensures we are alert and less dizzy or feeling sleepy as our body knows it's time to be serious and not be sleepy. A lot us get easily tired and look for ways to jump back to bed, but with the sunlight in your workspace, such thoughts will be greatly reduced, and that will result in you making better use of your thoughts for work purpose, which will increase your level of creativity and productivity.


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Setting Your Workspace In Advance

Ensure you try to set up your workspace in advance, i.e arrange the necessary things at the right places. Because we don't want to start work the next morning and we notice an item we use is missing, we start looking for the item and get distracted and lost, and when we find it, we have lost the vibe we wanted to use to start to work and then ideas of watching Netflix or Youtube will start popping up.

By setting your workspace in advance, also means cleaning up the environment, as we tend to be more creative and productive in a clean and neat environment.

It is always right to have your workspace set up before hand, so you can easily dive into work and keep the spirit & vibe up throughout your working hours.


Photo by Luke Peters on Unsplash


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