A Parent's nightmare

Today our primary school held a Pajama day fund raiser where children could come to school dressed in their pajama's and make a gold coin donation. While the fund raiser sounds like a fun way to raise money for the school the purpose of it has a far more serious and tragic origin one that no parent should have to go through and an event that has caused significant harm to young children.

Our community has been rallying behind the cause as lives of young children have been changed forever, with a lot occurring many are pointing fingers at whose fault it is and it has been hard on everyone. Many families impacted and their lives changed forever.

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Fateful Incident

6 days ago a local school bus taking children home from school on an old rural road that is experiencing population growth, the once vacant roads taking more traffic held one of it's most significant car accidents thus far.

A truck was travelling down the road and it's driver states he was blinded by the sun as he approached an intersection which the local school bus was making a turn on.

Unable to swerve or stop in time the truck driver locked his breaks but unfortunately a collision occurred flipping the bus carrying young children on it's side with devastating results. The bus driver managed to break free and call for help and began rescuing children as the local school staff who heard the collision raced to the scene.

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nightmares become reality

The incident resulted in a number of young children becoming trapped and seriously injured and a number of them flown and driven to hospital intensive care units.

So significant their injuries that many children have now had to have their limbs amputated and their lives are forever changed as they will require life long support and live with a disability.

The incident has sent shockwaves all across our community and many have been calling on the government to fix the roads before an incident like this occurred but they feel like they are ignored and left on their own.

Community Rallies

Our community has come together in a show of force for the families impacted and have begun raising funds to support our communities children who now have life long disabilities through no fault of their own.

The sad turn of events have effected all us because while it has happened we all can't but help think that something more could have been done to prevent such a tragic, life changing incident that has now doubt caused pain to many within our community.

If you're a parent, please hold and cherish your children as you never know what tomorrow may bring.


That’s heart breaking to hear! I feel for both the families as well as that truck driver, I’m sure his life will be forever negatively impacted psychologically.


Wow is the accident that serious and bad, one never knows what tomorrow brings, its just so sad to hear this, i wish them better life, and hope no childs life was lost?
