El hombre del liqui liqui // El hombre del liqui liqui


Saludos y bendiciones a ésta comunidad de hivers de mi parte con mucho aprecio. Quiero compartir con ustedes una experiencia un poco incómoda que viví hace mucho años atrás. Espero que sea de su interés y de su agrado.


Todo empezó cuando debido a la situación país la empresa donde yo laboraba llamada "Bayer de Venezuela" , industria transnacional decide cerrar sus puertas e irse a depositar su confianza en el hermano país colombiano, dejando un centenar de personas sin empleo. Lamentablemente viéndome en la necesidad de buscar otra fuente de ingreso un poco apresurado, debido a que fue algo tan inesperado. Sentí mucha tristeza y preocupación porque justo estaba con los preparativos para mi unión marital con mi morena hermosa la cuál ya le hablé en un escrito anterior,saben? la que ha chocado dos veces con la misma piedra y la tercera fue conmigo morena hermosa bueno poniendo un poquito de seriedad al asunto decidí ir en busca de otro empleo. Cuando me retiran de dicha empresa y al entregarme mi prestaciones por los años de servicio se me ocurrió la brillante idea de querer comprar un transporte de carga.


He aquí mis amigos donde empieza el meollo de la situación. Me dirijo a un municipio relativamente cercano donde me habían informado que estaba en venta un camión en una agencia de vehículos. Al llegar a dicho lugar con mi futura esposa veo el camión y de inmediato se me acerca una persona de una manera muy educada y me preguntó si estaba interesado en el vehículo, le contesté que sí, el me respondio diciendome que él conocía a una persona que también estaba vendiendo uno mejor y a menor precio. Hablándome con un tono de voz un poco bajo me invita a ir a verlo sin ningún compromiso, acepté pensando que trabajaba en esta agencia y que también se ganaba algo extra con clientes de afuera, decidí ir, sin darme cuenta de lo que ya habían tramado con mucha astucia en complicidad con otros antisociales. En el trayecto del camino me empieza a relatar la historia del dueño del camión, me comentó que era un ganadero con muchas riquezas y en sus tiempos libres tenía como hobby jugar a "las bolas criollas" donde siempre le gustaba apostar sabiendo que en la mayoría de los casos perdía , sin importar ya que solo lo hacía para divertirse, supuestamente. En mi vida nunca me ha llamado la atención jugar bolas criollas, por ende no me llamó la atención ese comentario, yo aún no me había percatado de lo que se estaba tramando. Cuando llegamos a la dirección donde se encontraba el propietario del camión, me extrañó que el lugar era un club, al entrar estaba sentado en la parte posterior de dicha instalación, vestido con un majestuoso liqui liqui, con un impecable sombrero" Pelo de Guama", y un maletín de cuero muy bien elaborado.


Al acercarme a este personaje, se levanta de la silla, se quita el sombrero y como todo un caballero nos saluda con un acento como todo un" llanero llanerisimo", de inmediato nos ofrece algo de tomar, entre jugo o cerveza , donde no lo aceptamos por vergüenza. Empieza a contarme que el camión en ese preciso momento lo tenía en el auto lavado, pero que al cabo de media hora ya se lo entregaban. Diciéndome que estaba cumpliendo años ese día y que me iba a ayudar teniendo un poco de consideración , dejándome el supuesto camión a un módico precio por ser un día tan especial por su cumpleaños y porque sabía que yo lo necesitaba para trabajar. El señor de la agencia me llamó aparte para que entre él y yo jugaramos una partida de bolas en contra del señor del liqui liqui y así ganar algo de dinero mientras esperaba el camión. Negándome a dicha invitación debido a que mi único interés era el negocio del camión. De nuevo el señor del liqui liqui me ofrece de una manera muy amable a tomar una bebida refrescante, entonces acepte por tanta insistencia. Les cuento que a los pocos minutos de habernos tomado dicha bebida he empezado a jugar bolas como todo un experto con el dueño del camión, el señor del liqui liqui, apostando y ganando cada vez más, sin importarme nada y por supuesto muy contento. Solo me pasaba por la mente quitarle hasta el último centavo a mi adversario. Creyendo en suerte de principiante ¡Ponte a creer!


Resulta y pasa que todo lo que me ganaba lo guardé en el maletín de cuero del señor del liqui liqui. Solo a mí se me ocurre. Este personaje vestido blanco me da la idea que para terminar el juego , de duplicar lo que ya me había ganado. Hice algo que jamás hubiera imaginado y que nunca haría de nuevo , acepté la apuesta, prendi mi carro fui a la entidad bancaria, acompañado del personaje de la agencia, retire una suma de dinero para así duplicar, con decirle que no me importó dejar a mi bella morena , mi actual esposa con el señor del liqui liqui y varias personas mas que en realidad no conocía en aquel club.
Sintiéndome un poco extraño volví al club como todo un campeón a seguir jugando y apostando, solo vi a mi esposa por un momento como con un poco de sueño, sin darle mucha importancia y de una manera confiada guardé el dinero que había retirado del banco de nuevo en el hermoso maletín de cuero. Lanzó la bola para jugar y cuando miro alrededor no veo a ninguna de aquellas personas con las cuales estaba jugando, solo veo a mi esposa sentada en el mismo lugar donde la deje, nos miramos y supimos que algo malo había pasado; salí corriendo donde estaba y al verla de cerca la noté muy extraña poniéndose a llorar de inmediato. En ese momento se me acercó una dama para ver lo que estaba sucediendo dándose cuenta que nos habían dado de tomar una droga llamada "burundanga". Solo bajo los efectos que arroja esta droga y de ninguna otra se me hubiese ocurrido hacer todo lo que hice después de aceptar la supuesta Pepsi Cola con el maleficio contenido. Sin salir del asombro por todo lo que hice, no me importó dejar a mi actual esposa con esas personas desconocidas, solo doy gracias a Dios que no le paso absolutamente nada, simplemente a ellos lo que le importaba era el dinero.De regreso a mi casa decepcionado y muy apenado con mi morena me puse a analizar que por más que uno se cree un zorro viejo jamás pensará que está a salvo de una situación inesperada como la que viví junto a mi esposa, la que le gusta tropezar con la misma piedra varias veces.


Saquen ustedes conclusiones, aceptaré cualquier reflexión debido a lo incómodo que fué para mi y para mi esposa lo acontecido. Lamentablemente vivimos en un mundo en el que no podemos confiar ni en nuestra propia sombra. Espero haya sido de su interés mi relato, deseando volver a escribir y así seguir contándole anécdotas de mi vida. Exitos y bendiciones de mi parte para esta hermandad hivers.


The Liqui Liqui Man

Greetings and blessings to this community of hivers from me with much appreciation. I want to share with you a somewhat uncomfortable experience I had many years ago. I hope it will be of interest and to your liking.

It all started when, due to the country situation, the company where I worked called "Bayer de Venezuela", a transnational industry, decided to close its operations. a transnational industry decided to close its doors and go to deposit its trust in the brother country of Colombia, leaving a hundred people unemployed. Unfortunately, I had to look for another source of income in a hurry, because it was something so unexpected. I felt a lot of sadness and concern because I was just preparing for my marital union with my beautiful brunette who I already told you about in a previous writing, you know? the one who has hit twice with the same stone and the third time was with me morena hermosa well, putting a little bit of seriousness to the matter I decided to go in search of another job. When I retired from the company and when I received my benefits for my years of service, I had the brilliant idea of buying a cargo transport.


This, my friends, is where the crux of the situation begins. I went to a relatively nearby town where I had been informed that a truck was for sale in a vehicle agency. When I arrived there with my future wife I saw the truck and immediately a person approached me in a very polite manner and asked me if I was interested in the vehicle, I answered yes, he responded by telling me that he knew a person who was also selling a better one and at a lower price. Talking to me with a low tone of voice he invited me to go to see him without any commitment, I accepted thinking that he worked in this agency and that he also earned something extra with clients from outside, I decided to go, without realizing what they had already plotted with a lot of cunning in complicity with other antisocials. Along the way he began to tell me the story of the owner of the truck, he told me that he was a cattle rancher with many riches and in his free time he had as a hobby to play "bolas criollas" where he always liked to bet knowing that in most cases he lost, no matter since he only did it for fun, supposedly. In my life I have never been interested in playing "bolas criollas", so that comment did not catch my attention, I had not yet realized what was going on. When we arrived at the address where the owner of the truck was, I was surprised that the place was a club, when we entered he was sitting in the back of the facility, dressed in a majestic liqui liqui, with an impeccable "Pelo de Guama" hat, and a very well elaborated leather briefcase.


When I approach this character, he gets up from his chair, takes off his hat and like a gentleman greets us with an accent like a "llanero llanerisimo", immediately offers us something to drink, between juice or beer, where we do not accept it out of embarrassment. He begins to tell me that the truck at that precise moment he had it in the car washed, but that after half an hour it would be delivered. He told me that it was his birthday that day and that he was going to help me with a little consideration, giving me the truck at a reasonable price because it was such a special day for his birthday and because he knew that I needed it for work. The man from the agency called me aside so that between him and me we could play a game of balls against the liqui liqui man and thus earn some money while waiting for the truck. I refused the invitation because my only interest was the business for the truck. Again the liqui liqui man offered me in a very kind way to have a refreshing drink, so I accepted because of so much insistence. I tell you that a few minutes after having this drink I started to play balls like an expert with the owner of the truck, Mr. Liqui Liqui, betting and winning more and more, without caring about anything and of course very happy. The only thing that crossed my mind was to take every penny from my opponent. Believing in beginner's luck, let's believe.


It turns out that everything I earned I kept in the leather briefcase of Mr. Liqui Liqui. I'm the only one who can think of it. This character dressed in white gave me the idea that to finish the game I should double what I had already won. I did something that I had never imagined and that I would never do again, I accepted the bet, I started my car and went to the bank, accompanied by the character of the agency, I withdrew a sum of money to double, telling him that I did not mind leaving my beautiful brunette, my current wife with Mr. Liqui Liqui and several other people I didn't really know in that club.
Feeling a little strange I went back to the club like a champion to continue playing and betting, I only saw my wife for a moment as if she was a little sleepy, without giving her much importance and in a confident way I put the money I had withdrawn from the bank back in the beautiful leather briefcase. He threw the ball to play and when I look around I don't see any of those people I was playing with, I only see my wife sitting in the same place where I left her, we looked at each other and we knew that something bad had happened; I ran out to where she was and when I saw her close up I noticed her very strange and she started crying immediately. At that moment a lady approached me to see what was happening and realized that we had been given a drug called "burundanga". Only under the effects of this drug and no other would it have occurred to me to do everything I did after accepting the supposed Pepsi Cola with the evil spell in it. Without getting out of my astonishment for everything I did, I did not mind leaving my current wife with those unknown people, I just thank God that absolutely nothing happened to her, they just cared about the money.


Back home, disappointed and very sorry with my brunette, I started to analyze that no matter how much you think you are an old fox, you will never think you are safe from an unexpected situation like the one I experienced with my wife, who likes to stumble over the same stone several times.


Draw your own conclusions, I will accept any reflection due to how uncomfortable it was for me and my wife what happened. Unfortunately we live in a world where we cannot trust even our own shadow. I hope my story has been of interest to you, I look forward to writing again and continue telling you anecdotes of my life. My best wishes and blessings for this brotherhood of hive.


Whoever is directly controlling the V2K told me to kill myself.
They told me if I killed myself now it would save the lives of countless others.
Saying the longer I wait to kill myself the more people will suffer.

They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years. I know there are many in prison that dont deserve to be there because of this. Your stay in prison will not be fun @battleaxe and friends. People are going to want you dead when they find out what you did. I hope you die a slow painful death. You sick mother fuckers.


Its a terrorist act on American soil while some say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic and foreign threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth?