Digital Portrait || Girl wrapped in towel


Its midnight here and i can't sleep so i decided to post it right now. As i said in my last post that there was a storm coming and it came, destroyed so much. Fortunately for us, we felt only a tiny portion of its destruction. People who lives near the sea weren't so lucky i guess.

The entire night was really crazy. I couldn't sleep the whole night, just listened to the loud sound of the wind. As i said we might face electricity problem, which we are. We have been without electricity for more than 30 hours now. there is no way to charge your phone or laptop. But i have a low powered ups so managed to charge three phones in the house of 30% battery.

My laptop has a very little left and since we don't know when we will have power back on, i decided to use this last amount of power to post this piece that i painted two days ago.

The model for this painting is septembrenell from ig. I love all her photos with dynamic poses and a few youtubers uses her photos in there videos to demonstrate painting process.

My painting doesn't look that good, the face looks a little longer and the colors seem a bit dull. I felt like, it looked better with the sketch layer on.

Anyway enjoy the drawing and pray for all that are suffering of the destruction of amphan(name of the cyclone, still not sure if thats the correct spelling)

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