Es mi derecho morir con dignidad y autonomía || It is my right to die with dignity and autonomy ✨ LOH-160✨


Un cordial saludo Damas y Caballeros, miembros activos de esta comunidad. Muy contenta de unirme a la diversión, en el Concurso #160 con la interrogante:

1️⃣ La muerte es inevitable. Está fuera de nuestro control evitar que esto suceda. ¿Qué harías si supieras que tu muerte es inminente? ¿Lucharás por tu vida para vivir más para tus seres queridos? ¿O lo guardarás para no ser una carga para ellos y simplemente esperarás tu momento? ¿Explicar por qué?

Es mi derecho morir con dignidad y autonomía

El desempeñarme como médico desde hace algunos años, ha propiciado que de forma cotidiana esté involucrada en procesos relacionados con la vida y la muerte. Lucho constantemente contra la muerte, siempre está tácita en mi práctica. Mi propósito es preservar la salud y garantizar la vida, aunque no tenga control sobre todas las variables.

La experiencia de lo vivido me hace referir que la forma en que sentimos, pensamos o percibimos la muerte y el morir, es muy personal y particular. Está inmerso en una polisemia de elucidaciones, fruto de cómo cada uno de nosotros ha estructurado y conceptualizado su conciencia ante este acontecimiento. La muerte es única, lo que es diferente es cómo la entendemos, distinguimos o asimilamos.

A lo largo de mi camino, he recibido formación profesional para afrontar este hecho. No obstante, en ocasiones ha sido incontrolable sentir, vivir y padecer la impotencia, frustración, rabia, dolor y desacuerdo que genera el desenlace fatal. Y les expreso, que lo que he vivido, no lo considero debilidad, por una razón simple: soy humana y no puedo dejar de serlo. Jamás podré dejar de ser sensible, porque ha sido precisamente esa condición la que me llevó a elegir la medicina como profesión.

Acepto que mi existencia es finita, siempre presente en mi conciencia, no me alegra, pero es inevitable. Sé que mi existencia es frágil y quizá más efímera de lo esperado. Soy susceptible de morir en cualquier momento, porque la edad para morir no está establecida. Pero hay algo a mi favor, a lo que me aferro y es que no conozco la fecha de partida. Así que en mi forma de vivir no hay lugar para lo superficial, no hay lugar para perder el tiempo y las oportunidades. Intento estar en paz, con quien soy, con mis decisiones y en equilibrio con mi entorno.

A pesar de estar en contacto permanente con la enfermedad, salvo un complicado y desagradable encuentro con COVID-19, mi estado de salud es bastante aceptable. Animo, practico y defiendo un estilo de vida saludable, los buenos hábitos promueven y preservan la salud, además de contrarrestar los factores de riesgo no modificables, que están estampados en mis genes.

Ahora bien, en el hipotético caso de que supiera que mi muerte es inminente (debido al diagnóstico de una enfermedad), buscaría prolongar mi existencia para disfrutar lo máximo posible, especialmente con mis seres queridos y allegados. Mientras tenga calidad de vida con esta patología y, por tanto, esté presente el derecho a morir con dignidad y autonomía, el derecho que me otorgan mis facultades mentales a decidir y elegir lo que acepto y lo que rechazo, en el abanico de opciones terapéuticas.

Teniendo una enfermedad, vivir con calidad de vida, con calidad humana, es poder participar y decidir sobre las opciones posibles según mi estado y no delegar esta responsabilidad en otros. Es poder decidir qué tratamientos aceptar para aliviar y calmar mi dolor y no dar oportunidad a mi sufrimiento o al de otros. Es poder rechazar el ensañamiento terapéutico (métodos extraordinarios y extremos de soporte vital). Este preámbulo allanará el camino para un "buen morir", haciéndome consciente de que mi final está cerca, asumiéndolo con dignidad, serenidad y respeto, rodeado del cariño y apoyo de familiares y amigos. Porque es mi derecho morir con dignidad y autonomía.

Esta es mi participación de esta semana. Muchas gracias @jane1289 por tus preguntas. Gracias por la oportunidad.

Si aún no lo has hecho, anímate a compartir en la comunidad "Ladies of Hive"

Gracias por su visita


A cordial greeting Ladies and Gentlemen, active members of this community. Very happy to join the fun, in Contest #160 with the question:

1️⃣ Death is inevitable. It is beyond our control to prevent it from happening. What would you do if you were to learn that your death is imminent? Will you fight for your life to live longer for your loved ones? Or will you keep it not to be a burden to them, and just wait for your time? Explain why?

It is my right to die with dignity and autonomy

Having worked as a physician for some years now, I have been involved in processes related to life and death on a daily basis. I constantly fight against death, it is always tacit in my practice. My purpose is to preserve health and ensure life, even though I do not have control over all the variables.

The experience of what I have lived makes me refer that the way we feel, think, or perceive death and dying is very personal and particular. It is immersed in a polysemy of elucidations, the result of how each one of us has structured and conceptualized our conscience in the face of this event. Death is unique, what is different is how we understand, distinguish, or assimilate it.

Throughout my career, I have been professionally trained to face this fact. However, sometimes it has been uncontrollable to feel, live, and suffer the impotence, frustration, anger, pain, and disagreement generated by the fatal outcome. And I express to you, that what I have experienced, I do not consider it weakness, for a simple reason: I am human and I cannot stop being. I will never be able to stop being sensitive, because it was precisely this condition that led me to choose medicine as a profession.

I accept that my existence is finite, always present in my consciousness, I am not happy about it, but it is inevitable. I know that my existence is fragile and perhaps more ephemeral than expected. I am susceptible to dying at any moment because the age to die is not established. But there is something in my favor that I cling to, and that is that I do not know the date of departure. So in my way of living, there is no room for the superficial, no room for wasting time and opportunities. I try to be at peace, with who I am, with my decisions, and in balance with my environment.

Despite being in permanent contact with the disease, except for a complicated and unpleasant encounter with COVID-19, my state of health is quite acceptable. I encourage, practice, and advocate a healthy lifestyle, good habits promote and preserve health, in addition to counteracting non-modifiable risk factors, which are stamped in my genes.

Now, in the hypothetical case that I knew that my death was imminent (due to the diagnosis of a disease), I would seek to prolong my existence to enjoy as much as possible, especially with my loved ones and close ones. As long as I have quality of life with this pathology and thus the right to die with dignity and autonomy is present, the right that my mental faculties grant me to decide and choose what I accept and what I reject, in the range of therapeutic options.

Having a disease, to live with quality of life, with human quality, is to be able to participate and decide on the possible options according to my condition and not to delegate this responsibility to others. It is to be able to decide which treatments to accept to alleviate and calm my pain and not to give opportunity to my suffering or that of others. It is to be able to refuse therapeutic overkill (extraordinary and extreme methods of life support). This preamble will pave the way for a "good die", making me aware that my end is near, assuming it with dignity, serenity, and respect, surrounded by the love and support of family and friends. Because it is my right to die with dignity and autonomy.

This is my participation this week. Thank you very much @jane1289 for your questions. Thank you for the opportunity.

If you haven't done it yet, encourage you to share in the "Ladies of Hive" community.

Thank you for your visit


Las imágenes son de mi propiedad.
17 de Noviembre de 2023

The images are my property.

17 November 2023


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 182 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


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@silversaver888, you successfully shared 0.1000 LOH with @marilour and you earned 0.1000 LOH as tips. (6/30 calls)

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I am touched by your notification @silversaber888. Very grateful to you and the @minnowsupport project. It's an honor, I appreciate it and at the same time it reinforces my commitment to always give my best. I feel gratified, not only for the support received, but for being part of an article, it heightens the emotions. Thank you also for the token sent, it is appreciated.


MY career as a community nurse for well over 20 years I have encountered death situations too often but trained to handle my clients families in a respectful and professional manner without getting too emotionally involved. You are correct that such safeguards are policy but we are human and often be attached to our patients. Not to acknowledge that makes us feel less human.


I am pleasantly touched @kerrislravenhill , to know that we share the same passion which is to serve others through health. My consideration to your years of practice, much sapience and wisdom in your words. Facing fatal outcomes are frequent occurrences in our practice and we accept that, but to be totally insensitive to these events is chimerical. Sometimes our emotional fibers are touched to a greater or lesser degree, but there are always traces, because they are inevitable situations and break into our human nature, we also have family, loved ones and close ones.
I appreciate very much your deference through your wise words, I feel very honored and grateful to you for it.
Health and well being, to you and yours.
