Operation Volcano at boiling point. 5 Minute Freewrite


Everything seemed perfect, the capital of the mafia, Mr. Steven Roaldan had everything planned. They had met several times with his accomplices so as not to fall into the error of failing. The merchandise is being moved to the warehouses to be taken to another place, the operation is boiling, they thought they had the perfect alibi, but there was always a failure.

The captain asked his subordinate: "Commander Freud, do you believe that Operation Volcano is well planned?

Commander Freud answered: "Yes, Captain, everything is under control, there is nothing to worry about, we have been doing this for years.

Ready for the merchandise to be moved, a guy who seemed to be allied to Operation Volcano, everyone trusted him, his name was Allenson and he was fully trusted by the captain and head of the operation.

The gang was about to be brought down, the anti-drug commission was on fire, boiling, they had a camera that controlled the whole process and they were just preparing the raid to the clandestine place where they had the drugs. The infiltrator was Allenson, he was an undercover witness, who for months had been participating in Operation Volcano.

Allenson kept thinking and from time to time smiled. The capital would ask him why are you smiling?

and he answered very cynically: "I have been here for many months without seeing my family, I remember my people and the happy times we have had, after we move the merchandise I will meet with them.

The captain replied, "I understand, my friend, the situation is difficult, but we will soon get out of this.

Allenson thought: "Poor man does not know what awaits him.

It was time to move the drugs, a deployment of vehicles arrived at the place, it was a warehouse where they had stored tons of drugs, it was a multimillion dollar investment. The captain and his employees were happy.

Just when the trucks were transporting the drugs they were intercepted by the anti-drug commission and a deployment of airplanes observed the place, the operation was dismantled and all were put to court. Allenson did an excellent job, received a commendation and was finally reunited with his family.



Todo parecía perfecto el capital de la mafia el señor Steven Roaldan tenia todo planeado. Se habían reunido varias veces con sus cómplices para no caer en el error de fracasar. La mercancía esta siendo trasladada hacia los galpones para luego de allí ser llevada a otro lugar, la operación esta hirviendo, ellos creían que tenían la coartada perfecta, pero siempre había un fallo.

El capitán le pregunta a su subalterno:-¿Comandante Freud usted cree que la Operación Volcán esta bien planificada?

El comandante Freud respondió: -Si mi capitán todo esta bajo control, no hay de que preocuparse, tenemos años en esto.

Ya listos para que la mercancía sea trasladada, un sujeto que parecía estar aliado a la Operación Volcán, todos confiaban en el su nombre era Allenson y era de plena confianza del capitán y jefe de la operación.

La banda estaba por ser derrumbada, la comisión antidrogas estaba que arde, hirviendo, tenían una cámara que controlaba todo el proceso y justo estaban preparando el allanamiento al local clandestino donde tenían la droga. El infiltrado era Allenson, era un testigo encubierto, que por meses estaba participando en la Operación Volcán.

Allenson se quedaba pensando y de vez en cuando sonreía. El capital le preguntaba ¿Por qué sonríes?

y el muy cínicamente le respondía: - Ya tengo muchos meses acá sin ver a mi familia recuerdo a mi gente los momentos felices que hemos pasado, después que traslademos la mercancía me reuniré con ellos.

El capitán respondió: -Te entiendo amigo, es difícil la situación, pronto saldremos airosos de esto.

Allenson pensó: -pobre hombre no sabe lo que le espera.

Llego el momento del traslado de la droga, un despliegue de vehículos llegaron al lugar, era un galpón donde tenían almacenado toneladas de droga, era una inversión multimillonaria. El capitán y sus empleados estaban felices.

Justo cuando las camionetas trasladaban la droga fueron interceptados por la comisión antidroga y un despliegue de aviones observaban el lugar, se desmanteló la operación y todos fueron puesto a la orden del tribunal. Allenson hizo excelente trabajo, recibió una condecoración y pudo por fin reunirse con su familia.

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