Day 1502: 5 Minute Freewrite: Wednesday - Prompt: high temperature


I remember when I was studying medicine, in the city of Puerto la Cruz, my daughter had left her with my mother in the city of Cumanà, I was only an hour away from her. I traveled frequently to see her, almost every weekend, I knew my mother would take good care of her, she was 3 years old at the time.

That night I slept very uncomfortably as if I had a feeling that something bad was going to happen to her, the next morning I received a phone call from my mother that my daughter had convulsed because she had a high temperature. I was leaving for the university, I had to postpone going to the university, I went to the city of Cumanà to take care of my daughter, she had been hospitalized in a clinic, I arrived directly to the emergency room to be with her, when she saw me she said to me: "Mommy, you came to pick me up:

-Mommy you came to get me. She was hugging a cute teddy bear, her sleeping companion.

I could not hold back my tears and started crying and hugging my daughter, the most precious treasure I have.

My daughter had convulsed because of a very strong tonsillitis, her temperature rose and she began to convulse, a neighbor immediately bathed her and she began to react.

Thank God at the clinic they stabilized her, discharged her, gave her medical treatment and on the way home I bought her a nice toy telephone.


Recuerdo cuando estudiaba medicina, en la ciudad de Puerto la Cruz, mi hija la habìa dejado con mi madre en la ciudad de Cumanà, apenas a una hora estaba separada de ella. Viajaba frecuentemente a verla, casi todos los fines de semana, sabìa que mi madre la cuidarìa muy bien, tenia 3 años de edad en aquel entonces.

Esa noche dormì muy incomoda como si presintiera que algo malo iba a pasarle, a la mañana siguiente recibì una llamada telefònica de mi madre que mi hija habìa convulsionado por tener la temperatura alta. Estaba saliendo para la universidad, tuve que aplazar mi ida a la universidad, me fui a la ciudad de Cumanà atender a mi hija, habìa sido hospitalizada en una clìnica llegue directo a la emergencia para estar con ella, cuando me vio me dijo:

-Mami vinistes a buscarme. Estaba abrazada a un lindo oso de peluche, su compañero de dormir.

No pude contener las làgrimas y empecè a llorar y abrazar a mi hija, el tesoro màs preciado que tengo.

Mi hija habìa convulsionado por una amigdalitis muy fuerte, se le elevò la temperatura y comenzò a convulsionar, una vecina enseguida la baño y la niña empezò a reaccionar.

Gracias a Dios en la clìnica la estabilizaron, le dieron de alta, le indicaron tratamiento mèdico y de regreso a casa le comprè un lindo telèfono de juguete.


Gracias por leerme
