A way to include coffee in the afternoon snack

🌸Hola Comunidad HIVE🌸

Hello HIVE Community

Feliz día tengan todos, es mi primer post en esta hermosa comunidad dedicada a mi bebida favorita. Ya había leído de ella y estaba desde hace mucho, queriendo compartir con ustedes mi experiencia con el café.

Les cuento que este gusto es desde muy pequeña ya que en mi pueblo, Caripe donde regreso cada vez que puedo, se cosecha este fruto y nací viendo su proceso de crecimiento y posterior cosecha cada año, especialmente entre los meses de octubre a diciembre, por lo que estaba destinado mi gusto por el café que se ha mantenido intacto hasta ahora.

Cuando pienso en preparar alguna receta rápida para merendar con mi familia siempre va el café de acompañante pero esta vez decidí probar algo rico a base de café con mis hijos, que al igual que yo disfrutan de su delicioso sabor.

Viendo en la red de internet encontré una receta rápida de galletas de café, ideal para merendar en una tarde.

Sin pensarlo mucho y ya que contaba con los ingredientes principales nos dispusimos a hacerlas.

Happy day everyone, this is my first post in this beautiful community dedicated to my favorite drink. I had already read about it and I have been wanting to share with you my experience with coffee for a long time.

I tell you that this taste is from very small since in my town, Caripe where I return whenever I can, this fruit is harvested and I was born watching its growth process and subsequent harvest every year, especially between the months of October to December, so it was destined my taste for coffee that has remained intact until now.

When I think of preparing a quick recipe for a snack with my family, coffee always goes with it, but this time I decided to try something delicious based on coffee with my children, who like me enjoy its delicious flavor.

Looking on the internet I found a quick recipe for coffee cookies, ideal for an afternoon snack.

Without thinking too much about it, and since I had the main ingredients, we set out to make them.

photo_2021-10-15_10-23-30 (2).jpg
  • 125 gr. De mantequilla
  • 125 gr. De azúcar.
  • 25 gr. De cacao.
  • 75 ml de café puro.
  • 1 huevo.
  • 300 gr. De harina de trigo.
  • 125 gr. Of butter
  • 125 gr. Of sugar.
  • 25 gr. Of cocoa.
  • 75 ml of pure coffee.
  • 1 egg.
  • 300 gr. of wheat flour.

Paso a paso - Step by step


1.- Batir la mantequilla con el azúcar hasta obtener una mezcla homogénea.

1.- Beat the butter with the sugar until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.


2.- Agregar el huevo y batir.

2.- Add the egg and beat.



3.- Con una paleta comenzar a batir la harina de trigo previamente cernida y mezclada con el cacao.

3.- With a paddle, start beating the wheat flour previously sifted and mixed with the cocoa


4.- Agregar el café. Batir. Por 1 minuto mas.

4.- Add the coffee. Beat. For 1 minute more.


5.- Luego comenzar a amasar con las manos muy limpias, hasta obtener una masa que no se nos quede adherida a las manos. Para ello vamos agregando más harina hasta obtener esta consistencia. Tomar una porción de masa extenderla con ayuda de un rodillo y con ayuda de un molde de galleta cortar las galletas.

5.- Then begin to knead with very clean hands, until you get a dough that does not stick to your hands. For it we are adding more flour until we obtain this consistency. Take a portion of dough extend it with the help of a rolling pin and with the help of a cookie cutter cut the cookies.


6.- Llevar al horno en una bandeja previamente enmantequillada y enharinada por un tiempo de 15 minutos aproximadamente, a una temperatura de 180 °C.

6.- Bake in a previously buttered and floured baking pan for approximately 15 minutes at a temperature of 180 °C (350 °F).


Así estamos listos para probar y disfrutar una tarde de galletas de café muy ricas y fáciles. En esta tarde la acompañamos con una rico café con leche.

So we are ready to taste and enjoy an afternoon of very rich and easy coffee cookies. This afternoon we accompanied it with a rich coffee with milk.


Mi hijo tenía sus manos inquietas queriendo comerlas todas, lo que quiere decir que quedaron muy bien y lo mejor es que son muy rápidas en su preparación y cocción. Espero puedan realizarlas y disfrutarlas también.

My son had his hands restless wanting to eat them all, which means that they turned out very well and the best thing is that they are very fast in their preparation and baking. I hope you can make them and enjoy them too.

🌟🌟🌟Fotos de mi Propiedad, tomadas con un Redmi 9🌟🌟🌟

Photos of my Property, taken with a Redmi 9

pie depagina.png


Hello @mariela-b,
Nice posts!🙌
Welcome to Cinnamon Cup Coffee community.
It's nice to have you here.
We encourage you to refer to our Community Posting Guidelines for inspiration to maximise your pleasure with us.
We are a warm, friendly and interactive community on the Blockchain.
Please feel free to drop by anytime!☕️
Have a great day!


Thank you for your responsiveness. I will be attentive to stop by and share pleasant publications.


Hello @mariela-b, you and your son look very happy enjoying your snack. It's great to find new recipes and be creative in the kitchen. As you've said, coffee is a great choice of beverage to share and enjoy with family and friends, so why not jazz it up a bit?
An official welcome to the community, please feel at home:)


Thank you for the welcome. We always really enjoy being together and he loves to eat. Greetings and blessings.


Hello @mariela-b,

We're Looking forward to seeing you soon;-)
Have a great day!
