Every day you have to be thankful for everything, good and bad 💙.



Hi all guys! I wish you a very excellent Tuesday.

Every day when I wake up I am always thankful for being able to open my eyes, to have health, a house, a place to sleep, and eat, to be thankful for my family and for everything, good or bad. I always look for the positive side of things, no matter what happens, it's how I cope better and it makes me feel so much better.

Being thankful can change your day, and even put you in a better mood (if you are in a bad moment), we can learn from that, it has really helped me. Although each person is different, and has their own way of being thankful, either way it doesn't matter how it is, the important thing is to be thankful.

Hola a todos chicos! Les deseo un muy excelente martes.

Cada día al despertar siempre agradezco por poder permitir abrir los ojos, tener salud, una casa, dónde dormir, y comer, agradecer por mi familia y por cada cosa, sea buena o mala. Siempre busco el lado positivo de las cosas, independientemente de lo que pase, es como afrontó mejor las cosas y que hace sentir mucho mejor.

Agradecer puede cambiar tu día, e incluso ponerte de mejor humor (si estás en un mal momento), podemos aprender de eso, a mí me ha ayudado la verdad. Aunque cada persona es un mundo, y tiene su forma de agradecer, de cualquier forma no importa como sea, lo importante es ser agradecido.

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