[ENG /SPA] Handwriting to Develop their Intelligence


Kind Words may be short and easy to say, but their echoes are truly endless.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta.

Las Palabras Amables pueden ser cortas y fáciles de decir, pero sus ecos realmente no tienen fin.
Madre teresa de Calcuta


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Bienvenidos a mi blog.




Blessed day to all the friends of this wonderful #Motherhood community pleased to be able to share with all the moms and also the abuelitas who like me are present in the growth, development, formation and guidance of our most precious treasures, children-grandchildren. Today I would like to share with you a topic that is not usually given the relevance it has for the full development of our children and that with the passing of the years and the use and abuse of electronic devices has taken a back seat in their academic training, it is Handwriting to Develop their Intelligence.

Bendecido día para todos los amigos de esta maravillosa comunidad de #Motherhood complacida de poder compartir con todas las mamás y también con las abuelitas que al igual que yo están presentes en el crecimiento, desarrollo, formación y orientación de nuestros tesoros más preciados, hijos-nietos. Hoy me permito compartir con ustedes, sobre un tema al que generalmente no se le otorga la relevancia que tiene para el desarrollo pleno de nuestros pequeños y que con el transcurrir de los años y el uso y abuso de aparatos electrónicos a pasado a ocupar un segundo plano en su formación académica se trata de Escribir a Mano para Desarrollar su Inteligencia

Since the beginning of mankind, man sought a way not only to communicate but also to record facts, events, dates; in short, it constituted what we know today as History and everything was done through writing with codes, in different places and with different materials, whether in stones, leather, clay. Therefore, writing as a form of efficient and effective communication has been used since the beginning of humanity and has been perpetuated for centuries.

Now, several studies confirm that writing by hand activates three regions of the brain: the motor area, the visual area and the cognitive area; that is, many networks of neurons are activated at the same time, which is associated not only with the retention of knowledge for longer, but with a better organization of information in the brain and with a greater ability to generate new ideas, which improves cognitive ability. It is handwriting that over the centuries has allowed two vital functions to be fulfilled, knowledge and communication.


Thus, when our children begin their formative process, they show their interest in scratching, drawing and writing even if they do not know what they are doing and they give meaning to it all; a child makes scratches and you ask him what I draw and he can describe what his imagination allowed him to capture; it is practically an innate instinct, so much so, that they scratch walls; it is a way of communicating. It is practically an innate instinct, so much so that they scratch walls; it is a way of communicating. From there they grow and it is our duty to strengthen this instinct and turn it into a habit, because writing by hand is an excellent way to better understand our own life and evaluate it more clearly.

Desde el inicio de la humanidad el hombre buscó una forma no solo de comunicarse sino además de dejar constancia de hechos, acontecimientos, fechas; en fin, constituyó lo que hoy conocemos como Historia y todo lo hizo a través de la escritura con códigos, en diversos sitios y con diferentes materiales, bien fuera en piedras, cuero, arcilla. Por tanto, la escritura como forma de comunicación eficaz y efectiva se ha venido utilizando desde el inicio de la humanidad y se ha perpetuado por los siglos de los siglos.

Ahora bien, diversos estudios confirman que escribir de forma manual activa tres regiones del cerebro, ellas son: el área motora, el área visual y el área cognitiva; es decir, se activan a la vez muchas redes de neuronas, lo que se asocia no solo con la retención del conocimiento por mas tiempo, sino con una mejor organización de información en el cerebro y con una mayor capacidad para generar nuevas ideas, lo que mejora la capacidad cognitiva. Es la escritura a mano lo que a lo largo de los siglos ha permitido que se cumplan dos funciones vitales, como lo son el conocimiento y la comunicación.

Es así, que cuando nuestros niños comienzan con su proceso formativo, manifiestan su interés por rayar, dibujar y escribir aunque no sepan lo que hacen y a todo ello le dan sentido; un niño realiza rayas y le preguntas que dibujo y puede describir lo que su imaginación le permitió plasmar; es prácticamente un instinto innato, tanto así, que rayan paredes; es una forma de comunicarse. De allí que van creciendo y es nuestro deber afianzar ese instinto y convertirlo en hábito, debido a que escribir a mano es una excelente manera de comprender mejor nuestra propia vida y evaluarla con más claridad.


Pedagogically, writing by hand is considered a process through which the information is obtained from different perspectives, due to the fact that it is possible to quickly memorize and recognize a subject; besides retaining main ideas, relevant sites, important dates, which facilitates learning in a significant way; it optimizes the processing of information and helps to carry out the process of assimilation and accommodation in the brain, encourages greater creativity, does not give way to distraction, that is, it stimulates the process of concentration, keeps the brain in constant activity which prevents access to stress.

It is important to emphasize that it is urgent to encourage handwriting in our children, because it is necessary to stimulate the brain at an early age; I do not mean by this that the use of the computer is bad, but that the child should live that stage where he stimulates all the cells of his brain, fixes knowledge, knows the various layouts, has fun creating, recreating, drawing, tracing; so that later he can focus his attention on other forms of writing. It is important to develop hand-eye skills and concentration, vital activities for the understanding of multiple situations. Watching over the development, orientation and training of our children is our responsibility, so encouraging them to cultivate them is everyone's task,

Pedagógicamente, escribir a mano es considerado un proceso mediante el cual la información es obtenida desde diversas perspectivas, debido a que de forma rápida se puede memorizar y reconocer un tema; además de retener ideas principales, sitios de relevancia, fechas importantes, lo que facilita el aprendizaje de forma significativa; optimiza el procesamiento de la información y ayuda a poder llevar a cabo el proceso de asimilación y acomodación en el cerebro, incentiva a mayor creatividad, no da paso a la distracción, es decir, estimula el proceso de concentración, mantiene el cerebro en actividad constante lo que impide el acceso al estrés.

Es importante resaltar, que incentivar la escritura a mano de nuestros niños se hace urgente, por cuanto, es necesario que se estimule el cerebro a temprana edad; no quiero decir con esto, que el uso de la computadora sea malo, sino que el niño debe vivir esa etapa donde estimula todas las células de su cerebro, fija conocimientos, conoce los diversos trazados, se divierte creando, recreando, dibujando, trazando; a fin de que luego pueda centrar su atención en otras formas de escritura. Es relevante desarrollar la habilidad ojo-mano y la concentración, actividades vitales para la comprensión de múltiples situaciones. Velar por el desarrollo, orientación y capacitación de nuestros niños es nuestra responsabilidad, por lo que incentivarlos a cultivarlos es tarea de todos,



Thank you for visiting me

Gracias por Visitarme


Separators / separador


The pictures are ilustrative

All photos and Gitfs are my rightful property taken with my Huawei phone and edited in a free app on the phone

Las Imágenes son de carácter ilustrativo

Todas las fotos y los Gitfs son de mi legítima propiedad tomadas con mi teléfono Huawei y editadas en una aplicación gratuita en el teléfono

Para traducir el texto se usó: Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


Whoever is directly controlling the V2K told me to kill myself.
They told me if I killed myself now it would save the lives of countless others.
Saying the longer I wait to kill myself the more people will suffer.

They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years. I know there are many in prison that dont deserve to be there because of this. Your stay in prison will not be fun @battleaxe and friends. People are going to want you dead when they find out what you did. I hope you die a slow painful death. You sick mother fuckers.


Its a terrorist act on American soil while some say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic and foreign threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth?

Ohhhh! I saw somewhere that intelligent people tend to scribble or just get messy with notepads. I also noticed that I remember better things I wrote than the ones I didn't. Truly, getting children to write things down fosters their ability to focus, create and retain. Thank you for sharing such a delightful post


Thank you for visiting me. For me it is an honor that my publication has been of interest to you. That is the Intention that we encourage our little ones to write by Hand to achieve more intelligent children.


It was a pleasure reading.


Totally! Handwriting is so important. Too bad many schools are letting it go. I remember when i was a kid going to the library and copying the books for school work/researchs and comimg back home and getting it all compiled. I dont see kids like that anymore because of the technolodge. Unfortunatelly they gain a lot but lose a lot too.


They are unforgettable memories, it is more we can get to remember what we copied and that has been many years. Thanks for visiting
