[ESP] Tome su cruz y sígame / [ENG] Take up your cross and follow me

[ESP] "Si alguno quiere venir en pos de mí, niéguese a sí mismo, tome su cruz y sígame." (Mateo 16)

[ESP] "If anyone wants to come after me, deny himself, take up his cross and follow me." (Matthew 16)

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En el evangelio de san Lucas (14,25-33) Jesús habla con firmeza a sus discípulos porque sabe lo que significa seguir detrás de Él. Jesús de Nazaret, el Mesías de Dios, sabe muy bien que obedecer los designios de Dios implica compromiso y entrega, sentimientos que muchas veces conllevan sufrimientos, persecuciones, injurias, maltratos e injusticias. Seguir en pos de Jesús exige prudencia, el uso concienciado de la razón por encima de la emoción, reclama valentía, fortaleza y mucha templanza. Por esa razón pone el ejemplo del constructor de la torre quien antes debe calcular el costo, para ver si tiene con qué terminarla o el rey que va a combatir a otro rey que debe considerar si será capaz de salir con diez mil soldados al encuentro del que viene contra él con veinte mil. En 1 Corintios 13 dice que el amor es sufrido porque cuando uno ama realmente se es capaz de perseverar hasta el final en el amor; quien ama aguanta mucho, es lento para ofenderse, no alimenta la amargura, es servicial... y Jesús vino a proponer su ley del amor. “El amor es sufrido, es benigno; el amor no tiene envidia, el amor no es jactancioso, no se envanece; no hace nada indebido, no busca lo suyo, no se irrita, no guarda rencor; no se goza de la injusticia, más se goza de la verdad. Todo lo sufre, todo lo cree, todo lo espera, todo lo soporta”. 1 Corintios 13:4-7


In the Gospel of Saint Luke (14,25-33) Jesus speaks firmly to his disciples because he knows what it means to follow behind him. Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah of God, knows very well that obeying God's designs implies commitment and surrender, feelings that often involve suffering, persecution, insults, mistreatment and injustice. Following Jesus requires prudence, the conscientious use of reason over emotion, it requires courage, strength and a lot of temperance. For that reason he gives the example of the builder of the tower who *** before must calculate the cost, to see if he has what to finish it or the king who is going to fight another king who must consider if he will be able to leave with ten thousand soldiers to meet the one who comes against him with twenty thousand. *** In 1 Corinthians 13 he says that love is long-suffering because when one really loves one is able to endure to the end in love; Whoever loves endures a lot, is slow to take offense, does not feed bitterness, is helpful ... and Jesus came to propose his law of love. “Love is long-suffering, it is kind; love is not envious, love is not boastful, it is not puffed up; he does not do anything improper, does not seek his own, does not get irritated, does not hold a grudge; One does not enjoy injustice, one enjoys the truth more. He suffers everything, believes everything, expects everything, supports everything ”. 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7

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Lectura del santo evangelio según Lucas 14, 25-33

En aquel tiempo, caminaba con Jesús una gran muchedumbre y él, volviéndose a sus discípulos, les dijo:

“Si alguno quiere seguirme y no me prefiere a su padre y a su madre, a su esposa y a sus hijos, a sus hermanos y a sus hermanas, más aún, a sí mismo, no puede ser mi discípulo. Y el que no carga su cruz y me sigue, no puede ser mi discípulo.

Porque, ¿quién de ustedes, si quiere construir una torre, no se pone primero a calcular el costo, para ver si tiene con qué terminarla? No sea que, después de haber echado los cimientos, no pueda acabarla y todos los que se enteren comiencen a burlarse de él, diciendo: ‘Este hombre comenzó a construir y no pudo terminar’.

¿O qué rey que va a combatir a otro rey, no se pone primero a considerar si será capaz de salir con diez mil soldados al encuentro del que viene contra él con veinte mil? Porque si no, cuando el otro esté aún lejos, le enviará una embajada para proponerle las condiciones de paz.

Así pues, cualquiera de ustedes que no renuncie a todos sus bienes, no puede ser mi discípulo”.

Palabra del Señor.

Goria a ti Señor Jesús.


A reading from the holy gospel according to Luke 14: 25-33

At that time a great crowd was walking with Jesus and he, turning to his disciples, said to them:

“If anyone wants to follow me and does not prefer me to his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters, even more so, himself, he cannot be my disciple. And whoever does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.

Because, who of you, if you want to build a tower, does not first start to calculate the cost, to see if you have what to finish it with? Lest, after having laid the foundations, he cannot finish it and everyone who finds out begins to mock him, saying: "This man began to build and could not finish."

Or what king who is going to fight another king, does not first consider whether he will be able to go out with ten thousand soldiers to meet the one who comes against him with twenty thousand? Because if not, when the other is still far away, he will send him an embassy to propose the conditions of peace.

Therefore, any of you who does not renounce all your possessions cannot be my disciple. "

Lord's word.

Goria to you Lord Jesus.

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Author, Autor: Marcos Milano
