I hope you guys are doing great. As a person I'm kind of introverted. I like peace, cozy and comfortable things. I never had a lot of friends, I have few friends and they are my comfort zone. Talking about comfort zone my limit has to be reading books. I have read a book called " THE THINKS YOU CAN SEE ONLY WHEN YOU SLOW DOWN". I will review this book, I'll tell you the reason to read this amazing book.



HAEMIN SUNIM is a Zen Buddhism teacher and is currently one of South Korea's most influential people. The South Korean monk studied film in the United States, having graduated from Princeton and Harvard, where he had his call to religious life. Haemin became the first Korean monk to teach about religiosity at an American university, living on an air bridge between his native country and New York. He has become one of the famous writers of all the time.



The book generally shows how a person acts when he is not in a good state, and how a person should react. When a person become anxious, worried he or she should slow down. Only when we slow down we can finally see clearly our relationships, our thoughts, our pain. When we slow down we are no longer tangled in them. We can step out and appreciate them for what they are. The book “The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down” will be of great help to anyone who feels disconnected with themselves in order to put their mistakes and hits on a scale. That way you can understand and learn from life's experiences and do not repeat the same patterns.


                          CHAPTER ONE [ REST ]

  In the first chapter of the book Haemin Sunim shows that the way we 
  perceive the world is very individual and this individuality is 
  directly linked to our thoughts.


Why am I so busy?

The way we view the world is nothing more than a reflection of what we idealize as the ideal. This idea is based on our life experience and the expectations we place in the situations we've lived and what we see. Everything that happens in our lives is the fruit of the human mind. So it's crucial to have complete control over inner peace, calm and anxiety. This is because these feelings are not projected by the world or other people, but by the daily events experienced by each one. So the only person who can reverse something in your life is yourself.

For example, I used to think that earning something can make me happy as the goal was being at a better place. But when I realized that I can be happy throughout the process everything became easy.


When life disappoints, rest for a moment

When something annoys you or when someone breaks your trust, it's important that you rest for a moment. Praying and taking care of yourself can heal you in this time.

For example, One of my friends once accused me about something that I didn't do. I became angry. I did confront her, but the result was zero. In the end I let the matter go but she apologized to me.


                      CHAPTER TWO [ MINDFULNESS ] 
       In this part author discusses the value of realizing emotions. 


Be friend of your emotions

It's important that you are aware of all your emotions, especially negative ones. As difficult as this action may be, it's possible to break the limits of your self-awareness. As you notice the birth of any negative feelings, try to control it. That way you will be able to get away from it completely. Or else you will lose yourself.

For example, I really can't control my emotions. I cry easily and get embarrassed.


When you are feeling low

According to Haemin Sumin, looking at your feelings externally for three minutes causes them to begin to slowly transform. Therefore, it's crucial to avoid taking them too seriously so as not to internalize them as part of you and your identity. You are not your feelings or the story that comes to your mind when you feel them.


                       CHAPTER THREE [ PASSION ]
  Haemin Sunim addresses the topic of passion and enthusiasm about
  some task and how frustrating it can be when these feelings are
  not matched.

Temper your Eagerness

What is important to you maybe it's not important to others. If you put others interests in your sentences then they can be your audience.

For example, when I was little people used to make fun of me. Day by day I realized that the topic used to make me happy wasn't that much interested to others.


Being Right Isn't Important; Being Happy Together Is

To avoid fights and arguments, ask yourself if it's worth making the other person feel hurt and inferior because of your ideals.

Like, I used to hate sharing my things with others, but now I realized the importance of sharing.


                     CHAPTER FOUR [ RELATIONSHIPS ]
   In this the author discusses the need to maintain good relationships
   and how this can be achieved.

The art of maintaining a good relationship

The author states that regardless of whether or not we have various assets, we will probably feel lonely and unhappy if we don't have good interpersonal relationships. Achieving full happiness requires cultivating good relationships. Thus, it's important to be aware of situations that may cause some kind of conflict, such as pride. So, it's critical that you focus on being more understanding even in times of adversity.


The journey of forgiveness

According to the book “The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down” it is important that you forgive the people who hurt you in some way. You have to do it for yourself and not for other people. In this way, you free yourself from this feeling and you can become truly happy. As difficult and unfair as it may seem, treat others with kindness, even if they have done something bad to you.


                        CHAPTER FIVE [ LOVE ]
      In this part author shows the importance of love in our life.

First Love

Being in love for the first time amazes a person. It controls our humor, emotions and thoughts. First love is something that can consume our thoughts for days and hours without us having control over it. But even if it results in a broken heart, it's important to keep in mind that feelings come and go. So as you look back and remember your first love, be grateful for the moment it happened and remember that moment with great affection.

When I remember about my first love, I can see the changes I have now. I can compare the past me to present me. But both are me. So, I do not have any regret.

I Love Your Ordinariness

In this part of the book, Haemin Sunim states that no matter who you are, you have to go through challenging times over which you have no control. Loneliness and the fear of death are one of those moments. At the end of the day we all are Human.

I have seen many people who are famous or rich are not happy, or maybe they are happy but lonely. For instance, the biggest boyband called BTS, the member of this group are so humble and good people. They are famous and rich but they know the meaning of struggle.


                          CHAPTER SIX [ LIFE ]
        In this chapter the author has shown us the goal of living.

Do You Know Kung Fu?

We end up looking only at one's past and not paying attention to one's current skills or future vision. People can change so easily. Liberating idea is that people are not as interested in you as you think. As much as this statement may seem a little exaggerated, for most of our time we are not thinking of others.

Three Liberating Insights

We shouldn't waste our time worrying about how we appear to others. We shouldn't focus on everyone's opinion. There are probably several people you can't stand. It is therefore important that you accept the same with you.


                     CHAPTER SEVEN [ THE FUTURE ]
                   No one's know about their future.

A word of encouragement can change the future

Author says that by uttering a word of encouragement, you are able to change someone's future. This is because as we are encouraged, we are motivated to achieve our goals. So no matter who you are or your dreams, speak words of encouragement as they can change someone's future. By saying encouragement if you can change anyone's future then why not....

When You Look For Your Calling

The easiest way to express yourself is to reading. Books broaden your horizons and introduce yourself to new possibilities.


                     CHAPTER EIGHT [ SPRITUALITY ]

Long Lost Cousins

Regardless of whether you have a different worldview than others, it's important that you try to connect with them. In this way, you are able to connect with many types of people you never imagined and create long-lasting bonds. But when you create bond you can explore the different characters of a person.

Two spiritual paths in the same Family

According to the author, when two people in the same family follow two different spiritual paths, there may be discussions and disagreements within the family. one needs to understand a little about the other spiritual path. Look for books and people who follow this same religion. This makes it much easier to live with and accept differences. You have to respect others choices and privacy.

