


En las oscuras y frías calles de Tolín, se paseaba una hermosa, pero triste jovencita, que entre lágrimas y lento caminar, su mirada se perdía en como en un oscuro umbral. Esa noche en las calles no había mas ruido que sus livianos e inaudibles pasos, además de un sin fin de hojas secas, que el grotesco viento frío hacían volar.
In the dark and cold streets of Tolín, a beautiful but sad young woman was walking, who between tears and slow walk, her gaze was lost as if in a dark threshold. That night in the streets there was no more noise than his light and inaudible footsteps, in addition to an endless number of dry leaves, which the grotesque cold wind made fly.
El destino de Helen era incierto, aturdida y sin saber que hacer caminaba de un lado a otro, pues había perdido toda esperanza de ser feliz, su amado había fallecido en la guerra -acababa de recibir la peor noticia de su vida, Rubén estaba muerto- con tan solo meses de casados ya era una mujer infeliz. Rubén tubo que viajar a tierras hostiles y dejar a su amada; su convicción y el amor por su patria le jugaron una mala jugada.
Helen's fate was uncertain, dazed and not knowing what to do, she walked from one place to another, because she had lost all hope of being happy, her lover had died in the war - she had just received the worst news of her life, Rubén was dead - With only months of marriage, she was already an unhappy woman. Rubén had to travel to hostile lands and leave his beloved; his conviction and love for his country played a trick on him.
Tres meses antes de aquella triste noche, una tarde de Agosto, estaban Helen y Rubén, celebrando su boda, rodeados de sus familiares, en un lugar hermoso y mágico, donde el paisaje era el mejor acompañante de la velada; el cantar de las aves, los cálidos rayos del sol eran el complemento perfecto de tan lindo acontecimiento. Pero todo eso se esfumó en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, el destino habría dado a la vida de Helen un vuelvo inesperado, duro y difícil de manejar, la mujer que era inmensamente feliz, hoy lloraba la partida de su amado esposo. Esa noche todo había cambiado para la que tres meses antes, era una mujer feliz, fuete y completa. Su familia al enterarse de lo ocurrido, la buscaron desesperadamente, sin éxito alguno, Helen no estaba, así se pasaron las horas; pero después de varias horas ausente y cansada de deambular, Helen regreso a casa, al cálido hogar donde estaban todos las memorias de su amado Rubén. Al abrir la puerta de su habitación, sin explicación alguna, estaba sobre su almohada una hoja de un árbol que la fría brisa trajo a través de su ventana, extrañada Helen tomo la hoja y recordó en ese momento que, durante su segunda cita con Rubén, el recogió una hoja seca del suelo y saco de su saco una pluma, para escribir en ella "Desde hoy nunca estarás sola, porque ahora somos uno, serás mi esposa y la madre de mis hijos", al recordar ese momento y la frase, Helen sintió mucha tristeza en su corazón pensando que no pudo hacer eso realidad.
Three months before that sad night, an August afternoon, Helen and Rubén were celebrating their wedding, surrounded by their relatives, in a beautiful and magical place, where the landscape was the best companion of the evening; the singing of the birds, the warm rays of the sun were the perfect complement to such a beautiful event. But all that vanished in the blink of an eye, fate would have given Helen's life an unexpected turn, hard and difficult to handle, the woman who was immensely happy, today cried the departure of her beloved husband. That night everything had changed for the one who, three months before, had been a happy, strong and complete woman. When her family found out what had happened, they desperately searched for her, without any success, Helen was not there, so the hours passed; but after several hours away and tired of wandering, Helen returned home, to the warm home where all the memories of her beloved Rubén were. When she opened the door of her room, without any explanation, a leaf from a tree was lying on her pillow, which the cold breeze brought through her window. Helen, surprised, took the leaf and remembered at that moment that, during her second date with Rubén , he picked up a dry leaf from the ground and took out a pen from his bag, to write on it "From today you will never be alone, because now we are one, you will be my wife and the mother of my children", remembering that moment and the phrase , Helen felt a lot of sadness in her heart thinking that she couldn't make that happen.


Pero no todo estaba escrito en la vida de Helen, al parecer Dios tenia otros planes para su vida, Él mas que nadie conocía el corazón de dos amantes, que ahora se habían separado, todo ese amor que se profesaban no era en vano, era algo sublime, real, quizás esa hoja sobre la almohada era la manera de Rubén decirle, sigo y seguiré aquí a tu lado; luego de esa agitada noche Helen se metió dentro de las cálidas sabanas y se durmió plácidamente, sabia que los días por venir eran fuertes, preparar la partida de su amado era un doloroso compromiso. Una semana después ella soñó recibiendo de las manos de Rubén un pequeño manojo de hojas secas, sin saber que era el presagio que las buenas noticias que recibiría; tres días pasaron de ese sueño y Helen se enteraría que en su vientre crecía en producto del amor de dos almas que se entregaron sin medida; lo que demostraría que lo que un día escribió era la manera de asegurarse que su amor por ella sería para siempre; era la mejor prueba de que el amor verdadero es para siempre, aún después de la muerte. Ahora Helen vive feliz, amando el recuerdo de su esposo, y cuidando del amor que crece en su vientre.
But not everything was written in Helen's life, apparently God had other plans for her life, He more than anyone else knew the hearts of two lovers, who had now separated, all that love they professed was not in vain, it was something sublime, real, perhaps that sheet on the pillow was Rubén's way of telling him, I continue and will continue here by your side; After that hectic night Helen got into the warm sheets and fell asleep peacefully, she knew that the days to come were tough, preparing for her lover's departure was a painful commitment. A week later she dreamed of receiving from Rubén's hands a small bunch of dry leaves, without knowing that it was the omen of the good news she would receive; three days passed from that dream and Helen would find out that in her womb it grew as a product of the love of two souls that gave themselves without measure; which would show that what he wrote one day was the way to ensure that his love for her would be forever; It was the best proof that true love is forever, even after death. Now Helen lives happily, loving the memory of her husband, and taking care of the love that grows in her womb.

Gracias por leerme, espero les haya gustado mi escrito.
Thanks for reading, I hope you liked my writing.


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