Index4INDEX Card 322: Martha Stewart 7


Without an open-minded mind, you can never be a great success.

-- Martha Stewart

For more about Martha Stewart, keep reading....


About the Quote

When a person has a closed mind, it is limited in what it can recognize and accept. Thinking-- especially critical thinking-- is limited if not atrophied. This means the usual thoughts pass through the mind, along with the usual answers and solutions. It's the mental version of seeing everything as nails when all we have are hammers. On top of all that, whatever success we earn is limited compared to what it should be.

Having an open mind doesn't mean we accept whatever new ideas we encounter. After all, we still have certain beliefs and values we hold to be true (say, murder and stealing are wrong). However, having an open mind means giving new ideas an opportunity to be examined and evaluated. If the new ideas make sense and pass, they can be accepted and integrated in our belief systems. If these new ideas don't make sense and they fail under close scrutiny, then we know how to handle them the next time we encounter them.

When it comes to business and entrepreneurship, having an open mind allows us to consider new ideas so that we can discover what works for us and make them work in our favor. It also gives us a chance to take advantage
of opportunities before everyone else.


Some (More) Information about Martha Stewart

Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, the multichannel (print, television, etc.) company founded by Martha Stewart, went through lean years during her time in prision and under supervised release. On top of that, she was barred from having a place on the board of MSLO.

However, during her time back at MSLO but not in charge of it, she began to rebuild her business and her brand:

  • She started a new television program, The Martha Stewart Show, which aired daily.
  • The Sirius satellite radio network was still relatively new then, and she had a weekly call-in show there.
  • She published a book, The Martha Rules, in which she shared her strategy and philosophy for starting and managing a new business.

Martha Stewart would go on to publish more books shortly after her return to MSLO. On the television side, she would appear regularly on The Today Show on NBC. The Martha Stewart Show itself would go on to earn 6 nominations for the Daytime Emmy Awards. As a result, within one year of her release and return to MSLO, the company became profitable again.

-- Source


Post Details

  • Index4INDEX image made by @magnacarta using MS Paint.
  • Quotes I use for Index4INDEX are stored in an Excel 2007 spreadsheet. Recently I added database functionality for limited searching.


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