A Must See Documentary For Everyone On Netflix "Seaspiracy"


Seaspiracy is a new documentary recently added to Netflix made by Ali Tabrizi a British documentary and filmmaker.

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After seeing multiple people saying that this was an eye opening documentary I had to take some time to watch it. I got to say that they were not wrong, I didn't know what exactly to expect but I now know things are way worse off then I could have imagined.

The film touches into several different aspects of the World wide problems starting with the most publicized being plastic pollution. Before watching this film I would have said that pollution would have been one of the biggest problems our Oceans are currently facing. It turns out that the general plastic pollution is probably one of the lessor problems.

Plastic is a problem but more in the form of wasted fishing string and fishing nets discarded in the Ocean. More sea life gets killed by far by nets floating around then any other form of pollution discarded into the seas. These nets are designed to catch all forms of sea life weather they are being used properly or just floating around the Ocean as trash.

The documentary moves forward to talk about the thousands of dolphins and whales rounded up to be sold to marine parks. There are only selected animals that meat the criteria that will bring the best money and the rest are all killed. After watching the old documentary called "Black Fish" and seeing how mistreated these animals are in the parks I have never and will never go back to any marine park of any kind. Seaspiracy paints an even worse picture of the abuse of these poor animals that is just sickening.

If all of this wasn't bad enough none of it compares to the shear raping of the Ocean the World wide commercial fishing industry is doing to the Oceans. The film shows how if nothing changes to limit the fishing industry by 2050 the Ocean will be dead. There is way more being taken and destroyed in the Ocean then can possibly be replenished at the rate things are currently going.

Then to put the cherry on top the film shows how a few Countries needed to save money to be in profit so they started to take slaves and imprison working onboard ships forcing them to work for free and possibly being killed at sea.

I give mad props to Ali for putting his life on the line to bring this information into the public eye. I think everyone needs to watch this documentary to be educated on what is really going on in the World with our precious Oceans and sea life. I for one will no longer support commercial fishing until the time comes that the Oceans are sustainable. Now if I eat sea food it will be something that I have caught myself I will not buy it from a store and support the commercial industry.



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Very good review of this documentary. A film that must be seen.
I saw the film few days ago and I was shocked. Like many I thought that pollution in the sea is caused by our everyday rubbish, but oh my, the plastic straws are just straws compared to what the abandoned fishing nets do. Again being misled by the MSC stickers on fish products, although I am not big fan of the sea food. For sure I will never buy any sea food from commercial fishing.
I was much impressed by the courage of Ali Tabrizi to expose all this dirty business and risk his life filming it. The end with killing whales was unbearable. This massacre, such madness! I have no word to describe how gutted I felt.


Thank you, it was an eye opener for sure. I had no idea things were as bad as they are, I know that it is always worse then they let on but this is unacceptable. Ali did a great job and I have a ton of respect for him putting his life on the line to bring this information to the public eye. Thanks for your comment.


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I saw the documentary too. I never expected seeing something like this, it is shocking how people treat animals and nature , whatever happens in the future is our responsibility!

I recommend everyone watch the documentary and stop supporting commercial fishing industries!


I think the same way, if we don't take care of the planet it will not be here for our children and grand children. I didn't think things were near as bad as this documentary proved them to be and I also will not be supporting commercial fishing anymore.


Glad for your decision, I decided to stop supporting too! I stongly believe and hope this documentary will raise awareness of many people and change the way we act! 🙏


He definitely shines a light on the fishing industry and we need to have a debate about their practices instead of feigning ignorance.


I agree, something needs to be done I had no idea how bad things really were and now I cannot support commercial fishing unless things change. It's a shame, I love seafood but not at the price of the planet.
