Visita a mi amigo JOSUE/Visit my friend JOSUE


JOSUE es el dueño de esta hermosa casa, trabajó varios años para comprarla, pero logró su objetivo y realmente es hermosa por dentro y por fuera.

JOSUE is the owner of this beautiful house, he worked several years to buy it, but he achieved his goal and it really is beautiful inside and out.

Después de que me mostró la casa, salimos a almorzar, lo invité a LA HACIENDA, un restaurante muy acogedor, la fuente estaba encendida, me encanta ver como corre el agua.

After he showed me the house, we went out for lunch, I invited him to LA HACIENDA, a very cozy restaurant, the fountain was on, I love to see how the water runs .

Las sillas son algo que representa el lugar, como las de una hacienda, son de madera, pero también está el toque moderno, código QR .

The chairs are something that represents the place, like those of a hacienda, they are made of wood, but there is also the modern touch, an ideal QR.

Mientras nos traen los almuerzos miramos a la joven acariciando al cachorro, es muy lindo, bueno la chica también :)

While they bring us the lunches we look at the young woman caressing the puppy, it is very cute, well she too :)

El perro está feliz, solo mira .

The dog is happy, just look.

El dueño del cachorro se lo lleva, logré tomar esta foto, no es muy buena porque la tomé a escondidas, me dio mucha vergüenza que nos vieran mirando .

The owner of the puppy takes him away, I managed to take this photo, it is not very good because I took it secretly, I was very ashamed that they saw us looking

El lindo perrito mira a la joven, es un lindo animal, parece un juguete, luego del almuerzo regresamos a la casa y mi visita continuó, fue una tarde agradable disfrutando del entorno natural que rodea la casa.

The cute puppy looks at the young woman, it is a cute animal, it looks like a toy, after lunch we returned home and my visit continued, it was a pleasant afternoon enjoying the natural environment that surrounds the house.

Te deseo un buen día .

I wish you a great day.


Oh you naughty boy. Just admit it, you're looking at the girl 🤣


You discovered me ha ha ha ha, the girl is beautiful
