[SPA-ENG] Pizza en 10 minuto 🍕⏲️ - 10 minutes pizza 🍕⏲️

¡AMO LA PIZZA! Realmente la amo, es mi comida preferida, no la como tanto porque tampoco quisiera engordar jajaja pero me encanta comerla varias veces al mes, de hecho, una vez tuve un negocio donde vendía pizza y fue la época más feliz de mi vida 😂 Gracias por tanto, Italia. Mi novio es chef y sabe hacer pizza en todas sus presentaciones pero a veces queremos comer algo rápido y hacer la masa toma su tiempo para que quede bien, así que ideamos la mejor manera de hacer pizza en casa en solo 10 minutos, los ingredientes y cantidades son a tu gusto. Se que me amarán por esta receta así que ¡Aquí vamos!

I LOVE PIZZA! I really love it, it's my favorite food, I don't eat it so much because I wouldn't want to get fat either hahaha but I love to eat it several times a month, in fact, I once had a business where I sold pizza and it was the happiest time of my life 😂 Thanks for so much, Italy. My boyfriend is a chef and knows how to make pizza in all its presentations but sometimes we want to eat something fast and making the dough takes time to get it right, so we came up with the best way to make pizza at home in just 10 minutes, ingredients and quantities are to your liking. I know you will love me for this recipe so here we go!


  • Pan de tu preferencia
  • Salsa para pizza del supermercado
  • Cualquier ingrediente que desees agregarle
  • Orégano


  • Bread of your choice
  • Pizza sauce from the supermarket
  • Any toppings you wish to add
  • Oregano



Precalentamos el horno a 170°. Abrimos los panes a la mitad y le agregamos la cantidad de salsa que deseemos, posteriormente le colocamos el queso mozzarella, puede ser rallado o en lonjas. Sobre el queso agregamos los ingredientes de nuestra preferencia, nosotros elegimos pepperoni, tocineta y maíz.


Preheat the oven to 170°. Open the bread in half and add the desired amount of sauce, then add the mozzarella cheese, it can be grated or sliced. On top of the cheese we add the ingredients of our preference, we chose pepperoni, bacon and corn.

Una vez le hayamos agregado todos nuestros ingredientes, lo llevamos al horno durante aproximadamente 5 o 6 minutos, esto va a depender de la potencia que tenga nuestro horno. A mi me gusta que quede crujiente así que siempre estoy pendiente de sacarlos cuando estén a ese punto.

Once we have added all our ingredients, we take it to the oven for approximately 5 or 6 minutes, this will depend on the power of our oven. I like it to be crispy so I always make sure to take them out when they are at that point.

Al sacarlos le agregamos el orégano por arriba ¡Y listo! Ya tenemos nuestra pizza fácil y rápida. Solo nos queda iniciar nuestra sesión de netflix and chill del fin de semana y proceder a degustar y disfrutar de nuestra deliciosa pizza casera junto a nuestro pizza partner. Espero disfruten de su fin de semana y ya saben, si hacen esta receta me cuentan en los comentarios. Abrazo virtual para todos! ❤️

When we take them out we add the oregano on top and that's it! Now we have our quick and easy pizza. We just have to start our Netflix and chill session of the weekend and proceed to taste and enjoy our delicious homemade pizza with our pizza partner. I hope you enjoy the weekend and you know, if you make this recipe let me know in the comments. virtual hugs to all! ❤️


  • Translation: DeepL translate
  • Desing: By myself with CANVA
  • Photography: By myself


Antonieta García.png

A walk through my mind

I write about the things I am passionate about, my beloved sport, delicious food that brings a smile to my face, traveling around my beautiful country and my research in fashion. I am a fashionista, sportswoman, foddie and petlover. I love working for my dreams and creating cool things with my hands but most of all I enjoy inspiring those around me to be their best version.

"Everything is created twice, first in the mind and then in reality " Robin Sharma.


Temperature and all ingredients has been explained so nicely. I like this dish very much because this is looking so delicious from the photographs. hopefully it will be so tasty and thanks for sharing.
