PLANDEMIC_ The Hidden Agenda Behind COVID-19 [Dr. Judy Mikovits]


▶️ Watch on 3Speak

Trying to break people out of their fear based Stockholm's syndrome...

Watch this 25 minutes of sanity......And grow the fuck up and be an adult, not a scared little child..

(No doubt this will be another you tube video on the chopping block, for online censorship by the totally corrupt establishment).

Oop.....better put it on @threespeak, then...

▶️ 3Speak


Well, good. At least there's a copy on 3Speak now. Whereas I haven't really vested any of this, I have no doubt it'll be pulled/blocked in a number of places.


"Vaccine derived virus interference was significantly associated with coronavirus and human metapneumovirus; however."

I had to read that several times over but what I think they were getting at there is when studies were done to create a vaccine for corona virus they found that when they inject mice with a killed form of the virus, as they traditionally do with influenza vaccines to spike a persons immune system to ward off the virus, that when they injected the live version of the virus into the mice it created heighten cases of pneumonia in those mice. That's why they can't find a vaccine for corona virus in the same traditional manner as they do for influenza. So technically what I think is being said is that when it comes to being infected with a virus (because if I remember right they did try to spike the immune system with not only the killed virus but also by injecting a small amount of the live virus), that when they introduced the live virus to see if the vaccine worked it did not and that it did just the opposite and caused a more severe case....that's what I am understanding they mean by vaccine makes it worse.

Now I've thought about this quite a bit over the last several weeks. Not so much based on the vaccine if they found one but on evidence brought forth that the corona virus entering the body of someone with a prior (or first) viral infection the corona virus makes the first viral infection explode out of control. This could be as simple as even having a herpes simplex one outbreak, herpes is one of the viruses that can be fast tracked to the brain causing encephalitis...this actually did happen to one guy after they found it in his nervous system. So you got that factor to consider. The other consideration goes back to, and this yet has to be explored because there was no corona virus back in 2017-18 that these department of defense people could have been exposed to unless they were injected with it, which I doubt or maybe a mild cold version of corona virus) is exactly how would the live corona virus react to someone whose been vaccinated with a killed or live influenza virus but doesn't or hasn't been infected naturally yet from the virus. If it would act that vehemently with a killed or live vaccine of itself what effect, if any, would it respond to a influenza killed or live version. But let's speculate that they did in fact inject the department of defense individuals with some form of a corona virus after a influenza vaccine and found it created severe cases of pneumonia...then technically they already know this and maybe that's the reason for heightened concern for severity as a large percentage of people are vaccinated every year. Knowing how they operate it wouldn't surprise me they wouldn't come out and tell people that, that would explain why it hits elderly people the hardest as they tend to get vaccinated more, it would explain the mixed severity among the other age groups but since corona viruses come and go with less frequency than influenza lets say they withhold that information so people don't opt not to get vaccinated since that's where the bulk of their profits reside. They do make vaccines out of dog cells, dogs do carry corona viruses which are harmless to humans, would a corona virus react the same way when entering the body of someone immunized with a influenza vaccine from dog cells. Would bat corona virus meets dog corona virus spiral into severe pneumonia cases?...the data of the virus goes into a national data base shared all across the world, it's available for everyone to see, every retired scientist, your fruit nut arm chair scientist, to scientist who've been run out of the profession for telling the truth, it'd seem any number of them would point at dogs and not some ant eater as the third culprit involved. (as supposedly this is two bat corona viruses that merged then merged with a pagolin). I don't know, in another interview I watched of her she claimed she took the research paper home to protect it until the other doctor got back. That's probably why they searched her house, if she did it once she'd do it twice. Then she also claimed that months went by and in the other interview she said years went by on the aid research papers. All I really know is that I hope millions of people rush to get whatever they come up with to solve this current crisis as they can create a herd immunity around me so I don't have to be a guinea Seriously though I know I am going to have to eventually sit down with my kids and help them sort this out to make a judgement call when the time comes, with everything going on right now they don't need anymore complicated, long drawn out why I don't think it's a good idea to be the first to jump for a cure, this stuff gets deep. Even I have to be in the right frame of mind to try and sit down and try to decipher it. When it comes to them I am going to have to be really good a charades by them just to hold their attention.


This thing has already been taken off of ThemTube multiple times and even Vimeo.
