Mood of These Days 🍃 Travel Through the Village ⛰️


💕 Hello Hive Community! 💕


Aunque no lo parezca llevo unos cuantos días de viaje, 4 días para ser exacta, el motivo no le encanta a nadie pero fue estrictamente necesario. Les cuento, hace 4 días mi abuela que estaba bastante enferma falleció, tenia muchas cosas que le dificultaban su calidad de vida y ya era hora que pudiera descansar, no se merecía estar sufriendo tanto, así que el día 11 de marzo cerro sus ojos por última vez y cayó en un sueño eterno. Estábamos todos en la ciudad de Cumana en el estado Sucre, pero como mi abuela era de Caripe estado Monagas tuvimos que hacer un triste viaje para despedirla por última vez en su casa donde estuvo toda su vida, hacerle su entierro y también sus rezos porque era una persona muy católica.

Although it does not seem like it, I have a few days of travel, 4 days to be accurate, the reason does not love anyone but it was strictly necessary. I tell you, 4 days ago my grandmother who was quite sick died, had many things that made her difficult for her life and it was time she could rest, she did not deserve to be so suffering so much, so on March 11 he closed his eyes for the last time and fell on a Eternal dream We were all in the city of Cumana in the Sucre State, but as my grandmother was from Caripe State Monagas we had to make a sad trip to dismiss her for the last time at home where she was all her life, to make her burial and also her prayers because she was a very person Catholic.


Como les decía, el motivo es bastante triste y aunque siempre he sido una persona bastante sensible (además llorona) he sabido manejar la situación bastante bien, aceptando el hecho de que ya era su momento de partir. La perdida de un ser querido no es fácil para nadie, aunque tengas tiempo preparándote psicológicamente para lo inevitable. Cada persona tiene su manera de lidiar con sus cosas, a mi me gusta estar en la calle, no me gusta estar encerrada triste, prefiero estar despejando mi mente con personas. También me gusta seguir trabajando, estar activa en todo lo posible pero también con un poco de relajación, todo con calma.

As I was saying, the motive is quite sad and although I have always been a pretty sensitive person (besides weephole) I have managed to handle the situation pretty well, accepting the fact that it was already his time to leave. The loss of a loved one is not easy for anyone, even if you have time preparing you psychologically for the inevitable. Each person has his way of dealing with his things, I like to be on the street, I do not like being locked sad, I prefer to be clearing my mind with people. I also like to continue working, be active as much as possible but also with a little relaxation, everything calmly.



La familia también es importante, hablando con ellos te distraes, te ries e incluso te desahogas un poco. Estos días he visto a muchas personas que tenía años sin ver, ya que estábamos cada quien en las ciudades donde vivimos y perdimos esa comunicación, es por ello que he sentido que todo no ha sido tan malo. Aunque ya muchos de ellos han regresado a sus ciudades nos hemos quedado los mas cercanos siguiendo con la tradición de los rezos, aunque yo no participe en ello realmente, estoy como apoyo moral.

The family is also important, talking to them distracted yourself, you laugh and even go a little. These days I have seen many people who had years without seeing, since we were everyone in the cities where we live and lost that communication, that is why I have felt that everything has not been so bad. Although many of them have returned to their cities we have left the closest following with the tradition of prayers, although I do not participate in it really, I am as moral support.



Luego llegaran los días dónde estaremos solos, con nuestros pensamientos y aunque puede ser duro, la vida no se detiene por nadie, el mundo sigue girando y las cosas siguen su curso como si nada hubiera pasado, solo quedan los recuerdos. Aún me quedan muchos días en este viaje, estaré aquí unas dos semanas en total así que lo aprovecharé al máximo ya que Caripe siempre ha sido uno de mis lugares favoritos, he estado saliendo a diario con mis amigos y me he reído como nunca, hace poco subí un cerro y tome unas fotos super lindas que espero subir luego, he disfrutado de la naturaleza y he estado acompañando a mi mamá lo más que puedo. Así que como he mencionado, no todo ha sido tan malo y como decía Canserbero "todo lo que necesitamos es amor". Espero que les haya gustado este resumen de mis últimos días, nos leemos pronto!

Then the days will come where we will be alone, with our thoughts and although it can be hard, life does not stop by anyone, the world continues to turn and things follow their course as if nothing had happened, there are only memories. I still have many days on this trip, I will be here about two weeks in total so I will take advantage of it to the maximum since Caripe has always been one of my favorite places, I've been diving every day with my friends and I laughed like never, recently I climbed a hill and take some super photos Cute that I hope to climb then, I enjoyed nature and I've been accompanying my mom as much as I can. So as I mentioned, not everything has been so bad and as I said tiredly "everything we need is love." I hope you liked this summary of my last days, we read soon!

Pictures of my property.
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The people doing V2K with remote neural monitoring want me to believe this lady @battleaxe is an operator. She is involved deeply with her group and @fyrstikken . Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. I cant prove she is the one directly doing the V2K and RNM. Doing it requires more than one person at the least. It cant be done alone. She cant prove she is not one of the ones doing it. I was drugged in my home covertly, it ended badly. They have tried to kill me and are still trying to kill me. I bet nobody does anything at all. Ask @battleaxe to prove it. I bet she wont. They want me to believe the V2K and RNM in me is being broadcast from her location. And what the fuck is "HOMELAND SECURITY" doing about this shit? I think stumbling over their own dicks maybe? Just like they did and are doing with the Havana Syndrome.

They are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 years.

What would you say while having a gun pointed at your head from an undisclosed location? Have people find it? My hands are tied while they play like children with a gun to my head. Its a terrorist act on American soil while some yawn and say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and tell them about the day you asked me why. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control with ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers from telling the truth?


Hola querida amiga @lucianav
Lamento mucho tu perdida, si bien nos comenta que ha estado sufriendo mucho, aun asi uno no quiere alejarse de las persona que ama.
La familia siempre es y sera la mejor opcion en estas situaciones, si bien la vida continua, los sentimientos por las personas que parten a un mejor lugar, siempre quedan guardado en nuestros corazones


Querida amiga @lucianav mi sentido pésame! Lamento mucho tu pérdida. A veces siento que la familia entera se une cuando fallece alguien querido. A pesar de la perdida, la familia comparte y recuerda tiempos y de llantos se pasa a alegría. Y en el fondo,y siento que el familiar que ha partido le hubiese querido vernos reír en vez de llorar.

Un fuerte abrazo!
