RE: Conspiracy Hour


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Oh nice.. I love conspiracy theories. 😂
I want a go at these.

  1. Eggs? Lol, that ones just silly.

  2. Nordstream isnt really a conspiracy theory. Someone blew it up. Could have been Americans, Norwegians, Ukranians or even Russians. Theres a war happening, stuff like this happens all the time. We still dont know who did it for sure. Whoever did, kudos to them.

  3. It was flying, now its not. Looks like a balloon to me. Sometimes if it flies like a balloon and looks like a balloon, it just might be a balloon. Spy or weather balloon? Either works.

  4. Chinese space lasers? I prefer the Jewish space lasers.

  5. Some people just like the color red and Sam Smith is an attention seeking nutjob.

  6. Assisted suicide? The effect of this wouldnt be noticeable for it to fit any agenda.
    Plenty tall buildings in Canada, gravity is assistance enough.

  7. Dont know much about the train blowing up. Seems like local news to me. Sucks though but sometimes trains just blow up. Why does it always have to be "planned".
    If Chernobyl happened today just the way it did in the 80s, 100% you would have the same "truthers", Qanon claiming it was the CIA or government that did it on purpose.
    Sometimes shit just blows up.

  8. I really want it to be aliens. If Vulcans initiated first contact like in Star Trek that would make me so happy.

Conspiracy theories are fun to a point when people start taking them seriously and start treating speculation as fact.
Thats a big nono to me.
