Splinterlands Card Packs! I got lucky this time!

SplinterlandsCard Pack Openings

Well, today I decided to invest some SPS/DEC into buying Potions and Card Packs specifically 4 from Chaos Legion and 2 from the newest RiftWatchers sets! Now... I didn't exactly plan to post about it so I didn't screenshot/screen record the openings unfortunately. :/

However, I do know which cards were pulled, as some of them were highly disappointing and then one in particular was quite spectacular! :)

Agor Longtail :D


From the jump, this was the true find for the set and I have the card up on the market if anyone was looking to get one and couldn't find one. I TRY to get the card at the lowest market price, but it seems there's a bot of some sort that likes to undercut me on here as well, so I am just standing firm under the last firm price, as the lowest non-bot person selling a card for the Agor Longtail market. (Unless I'm wrong and one of you is just seriously vigilant?? :D)

The Moderate

As far as moderate goes, there were some decent looking/valued/I simply liked their art cards, that I was happy to have received as well!


Some of these aren't incredible cards, but they're also listed on the market for rent/sale at what I could find as the lowest bottom of the wall for each.

The Dumps

Dumps. The worst of the pulls. Lol. Now, these aren't all bad honestly. Their value is shit, but they can be rented (On the off chance you can manage to get one rented out amongst the market saturation.) for some daily DEC returns and you would still own the card should there ever be a pop in price point that you wish to capitalize on later. I don't see Splinterlands as being "Mass adopted" yet, as I feel most TCG players don't even truly still know it exists. Exposure is something I plan on working on as well. I intend to begin to spread word of Hive and SPT alike, in the coming years, starting this next one coming up here in oh so few weeks. Once mass adoption happens, all of these cards we see sitting at $0.01-0.03 and such, won't be that low of value. Their value comes from the fact that they were minted in packs some of which no longer exist. This means they are exclusive. They are also NFTS in themselves, tied to an ACTUAL game with purpose and functionality (Something most NFTs lack and thus, fail due to.) on a blockchain that's been solid and will continue to be solid for the foreseeable future. Something time-tested to a decent degree and has been resilient. Keeping that in mind, renting is your best option for all your low cost cards, as what is $0.01-0.20 really even going to do for you in the short term as opposed to earning 0.1DEC/day and letting that compile DEC over whatever length of time? Assuming DEC dropped half it's value, if you've earned 4x your initial investment, you are still doubling your money in that time-frame. It's a no-brainer. :)

Enough chatter. To the "Dumps" of the pulls. :P

x2 ^

Surprisingly, most of the "Dumps" have been rented out already despite market saturation. Incredible!

The Overall

In case I've missed a card or two while filtering through everything, here's the full list of everything pulled from the packs I opened today.


Not bad for a first opening packs in years, I'd say! The thrill of not knowing what you're going to get and seeing each card flip when you open the packs, is truly something to add to the value as well. :) Even not getting anything decent and coming up a loss, you still get that thrill along the way from knowing you might strike it lucky and get some great pulls!

State of the market

Obviously, I'm not the first to be renting/selling, so some of the markets are highly saturated and there's not really room, rhyme or reason to be purchasing some of these or renting them, but I'd feel fairly safe to assume (Although I prefer to try to never assume.) anyone asking the bare minimum is just trying to get something back on what they've invested in or "crapped out on with their luck and ended up with," so I might start to rent out cards here and there just to try and de-saturate the markets a bit and give people returns on something that neither of us will use, but the economic stimulation in the Splinterlands market will still be present and feel the effect from. This should, in theory, give them more DEC at their disposal to use wherever they see fit. Healthy market growth sometimes requires taking a hit somewhere for an individual or a business/organization so that growth can happen elsewhere. I'm more than willing to take Ls so that the overall community can reap benefits they otherwise would not. :) A handful of cards being rented might give someone daily DEC to rent out a card they could not prior afford, and that card could benefit them more greatly. This could bring them more earnings from playing, this could afford them more cards and it's simply a ripple effect from there.

A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect;
Every action in this world will bear a consequence.
If you wait around forever you will surely drown.
I see what's going down. - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

Now, that song has darker meanings... I believe... but the words can be applied elsewhere in a different context undoubtedly. That's part of what I love about music; If you translate people into Bull and Bear markets, honestly, the song makes total sense still. One market beats you down and the other one lifts you up. In life there's so many different correlations that many people don't consider. I can only hope people's minds are open to ideas that can benefit us all, and truly see the value in them.

Minimal losses are recovered over time by healthy, consistent market growth. This requires capital to move around freely and fluidly. SPT and it's community is strong. I, along with many others, am bringing and circulating "New Money" into the market. It's refreshing to get something decent out of a pack off rip! I will surely use my earnings to be buying more packs in search of elusive finds! In addition to this, I'm trying to offer even cheaper options for the cards I do get, as far as buying/renting goes for the end recipient. :) Let's all grow, I mean, why not?! I want everyone to win, even those who I disagree with and have opposing views.
