Life Cycle of a Seed


I started life as a tiny egg that was fertilized by a seed, and would not be here if it were not for my mother and father.

To think that at the exact moment of fertilization, my genes and sex were determined; in an instant! Is that not a miracle in itself?

A weird thought, would I have existed if they had not met?

Some may agree, others not, but I do believe that my soul would have been somewhere out there, searching for a mother and father of my choice. I could very easily have made a mistake and chosen the wrong ones, but thankfully I chose the very best!

Can you see just how fragile this pod of seeds is?
They're also waiting to be fertilized. Some will not make it at all, while others will struggle to grow and never reach their full potential. Yet others will not be able to withstand the harsh conditions and be planted in poor soil, so can wither and die unless their carers nurture them and help them grow into strong healthy plants that will bear beautiful flowers, like the Coral Senecio.

The same can happen to us if we're not nurtured and given the loving care of a mother or father figure, especially when the bugs come out to bite!.




Some fragile seeds turn into plants that bear fruit with a bite so don't be fooled by their fragile appearance; they in fact do not need much nurturing and will happily continue growing and bearing berry fruit that is burning hot, and by that, I don't mean temperature hot!


They may look pretty but should you pick any, do not rub your eyes or you will know all about their vicious bite! Just so, be careful not to pick a fight with the human kind!


Both of these very shy flowers below, close up at night to have a good rest, and open up when the sun is out to show off their beauty!
We could learn quite a bit from nature as we also need nurturing and should follow the example of these flowers by ensuring we get enough rest for optimum health, especially in our Silver years.

The Gazania is very showy and love sunny days so will show off their pretty faces while the sun is out, but when it's cloudy and overcast, they withdraw into themselves and hide away; just like some of our human folk do!


The Portulaca is very shy though, and does not show off its very pretty flowers for too long! Aren't some of us like that by giving up too soon and not reach our full potential?


This beautiful rose has certainly been nurtured and planted in fertile soil, but starts ageing in the second image, just like we all do in our silver years.
Young and beautiful!
Starting to wilt as it ages, but it still is beautiful.


Count your age by friends, not years. Count your life by smiles, not tears.

by John Lennon

Original Content by @lizelle
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This is soooooo beautyful aunt liz. Wow what a great story. I really enjoyed it alot xx
