In search of the sword of cataclysm, Surt the giant with great power / Rudra No Hihou / Super Nintendo / (ENG/ESP)


Nuestra aventura continua mis queridos hermanos, en un videojuego de aventura RPG de combates por turnos de la consola Super Nintendo llamada Rudra No Hihou.

Recordemos que gracias a que derrotamos a Mayura, una poderosa guadiana de luz y oscuridad, para así poder obtener otra de las espadas legendarias del juego, las cuales la necesitamos para poder vencer a cada uno de los Rudras que intenten despertarse, a la vez porque las espadas con solo una llave que mantiene encerrado un poderoso poder, aunque las espadas en realidad no sirvan para nada a la hora de combatir contra un enemigo, conservan un cierto poder para el proceder de la historia del juego.

Tan solo quedan 8 días para el cataclismo del juego, por lo que ahora todas las islas flotantes están a punto de caerse, en ese momento es cuando aparece Ramyleth con los ladrones Dure y Cid, quienes habían robado el arca desde hace un buen tiempo, luego nos enfrentaremos a Surt, el cual el combate será un poco complicado gracias a su nuevo brazo, después buscaremos otra de las espadas legendarias, hasta que aparece otro de los Rudras legendarios a enfrentarse a nosotros y probar nuestra valía.

Our adventure continues my dear brothers, in a turn-based combat RPG adventure video game of the Super Nintendo console called Rudra No Hihou.

Recall that thanks to defeat Mayura, a powerful guadiana of light and darkness, so we can get another of the legendary swords of the game, which we need to defeat each of the Rudras who try to wake up, while because the swords with only a key that keeps locked a powerful power, although the swords do not really serve for nothing when fighting an enemy, retain some power to proceed with the story of the game.

There are only 8 days left for the cataclysm of the game, so now all the floating islands are about to fall, at that moment is when Ramyleth appears with the thieves Dure and Cid, who had stolen the ark for a long time, then we will face Surt, which the fight will be a bit complicated thanks to his new arm, then we will look for another of the legendary swords, until another of the legendary Rudras appears to face us and prove our worth.

Justo antes de las islas flotantes cayeran junto con nosotros, apareció Ramyleth junto con los ladrones Dure y Cid, por lo que nuestro equipo en ese momento estará sorprendido de verlos de cerca, ya que nada más con vernos salía huyendo de nosotros.

Ramyleth les mencionará que Dure y Cid poseen un jade, y que nuestros destinos tienen que unirse, pero Foxy estará muy molesto en ese momento y dirá que eso no puede pasar, no por lo que paso con Surt, quien fue el que nos atacó desapareció a dos de los mejores amigos de Lion.

Luego de que el equipo se metiera dentro del arca, Ture estará sorprendido del cómo es que Dure y Cid pueden manipular el arca, ya que al parecer ningún humano ha podido controlarlo jamás, por lo que Ramyleth le menciona que es por el poder del jade que Cid posee.

Just before the floating islands fell along with us, Ramyleth appeared along with the thieves Dure and Cid, so our team at that moment will be surprised to see them up close, since they just saw us and ran away from us.

Ramyleth will mention to them that Dure and Cid have a jade, and that our destinies have to be united, but Foxy will be very upset at that moment and will say that this can't happen, not because of what happened with Surt, who was the one who attacked us and disappeared two of Lion's best friends.

After the team gets inside the ark, Ture is surprised how Dure and Cid can manipulate the ark, since apparently no human has ever been able to control it, so Ramyleth mentions to him that it is because of the power of the jade that Cid possesses.

Una vez que todos estemos a salvo, notaremos que todas las islas flotantes han defendido, por lo que ahora se puede llegar a muchos lugares a pie, porque ahora la fusión de las islas con las demás regiones cuando descendieron convirtió todas las regiones en una sola.

Al salir del arca nos meteremos en el primer poblado que veamos, el cual es el poblado de Len, podemos comprar nuevos equipamientos en este lugar, también aconsejo comprar todas las pociones de salud y mana que podamos en la tienda de objetos.

Una vez que avanzamos un poco en el poblado, nuestro personaje sospechara de que algo va muy mal en este poblado, recordemos que Surt el gigante es que nuevo rey de este sitio, ya que se adueñó de él cuando Ramyleth no estaba, por lo que llego la hora de hacerle una visita.

Once we are all safe, we will notice that all the floating islands have defended, so now you can reach many places on foot, because now the merger of the islands with the other regions when they descended turned all regions into one.

When we leave the ark we will get into the first village we see, which is the village of Len, we can buy new equipment in this place, I also advise buying all the health and mana potions we can in the item store.

Once we advance a little in the village, our character will suspect that something is very wrong in this village, remember that Surt the giant is the new king of this site, as he took it when Ramyleth was not, so it's time to pay him a visit.

Avanzaremos un poco más hacia el norte, llegando al templo de los Danan, al estar en frente de la puerta principal veremos como nuestro equipo mencionara que ni los guardias se encuentran protegiendo la entrada.

Cuando vayamos a la sala del trono encontraremos a Surt, Ramyleth le preguntara a Surt sobre el paradero de la gente del poblado, por lo que este le mencionara que los ha matado a todos por desobedecer sus órdenes.

We will advance a little further north, arriving at the temple of the Danan, when we are in front of the main gate we will see how our team will mention that not even the guards are protecting the entrance.

When we go to the throne room we will find Surt, Ramyleth will ask Surt about the whereabouts of the people of the village, so he will mention that he has killed them all for disobeying his orders.

Nuestro personaje principal se pondrá muy molesto, ya que este fue el responsable de la desaparición de Rostran y Huey, por lo que le tiene cierto récord, así que no se lo pensara dos veces y desenvainara su espada para combatir contra Surt.

Surt no parara de presumir su nuevo bazo, así que comenzara el combate, honestamente si estás en esta parte del juego, recomiendo que suban un poco de nivel, ya que esta batalla es muy complicada, un nivel superior a 36 sería lo bueno para este combate.

Una de las habilidades más peligrosas de Surt es cuando usa su Garra loca, el cual toma a un miembro de nuestro grupo y lo electrocutara, dejándolo en un estado de locura, el cual hace que ataque a cualquier miembro de nuestro grupo, ya que estará confundido por el ataque.

Our main character will be very upset, since he was responsible for the disappearance of Rostran and Huey, so he has a certain record, so he will not think twice and will draw his sword to fight against Surt.

Surt will not stop showing off his new spleen, so the fight will begin, honestly if you are in this part of the game, I recommend that you level up a little, as this battle is very complicated, a level higher than 36 would be good for this fight.

One of Surt's most dangerous abilities is when he uses his Crazy Claw, which takes a member of our group and electrocutes him, leaving him in a state of madness, which makes him attack any member of our group, since he will be confused by the attack.

Luego de vencerlo y salir del poblado, veremos cómo los desgraciados de Dure y Cid vuelven a robarse el arca, por lo que nuestro personaje principal ya tenía previsto que esto pasaría.

Ture mencionará que todavía tenemos cosas que hacer, y uno de ellos es encontrar al último de los cuatro divinos, el cual se encuentra en el Glaciar Sigmund, el mismo en la que Ramyleth se separó de nosotros por primera vez.

Dicho glaciar se encuentra en la parte sur de nuestra posición.

After defeating him and leaving the village, we will see how the wretches of Dure and Cid return to steal the ark, so our main character had already foreseen that this would happen.

Ture will mention that we still have things to do, and one of them is to find the last of the four divines, which is in the Sigmund Glacier, the same one where Ramyleth separated from us for the first time.

This glacier is located in the southern part of our position.

En su interior podemos encontrarnos con un enemigo un poco resistente, pero con buen ataque, su nombre es Jack Helado, debemos atacarlos con Mantras de fuego para causarle un daño considerable, aunque podemos farmear un poco en este lugar para subir un poco de nivel.

Más adelante, siguiendo el único camino disponible, veremos otra de las espadas legendarias, pero justo antes de tomarla, seremos sorprendidos por un enemigo, es igual que el Jack Helado, pero con un color rojizo y con otro nombre, el cual es Reina de Hielo.

Inside we can find an enemy a little resistant, but with good attack, his name is Jack Ice, we must attack them with fire mantras to cause considerable damage, although we can farm a little in this place to level up a little.

Further on, following the only available path, we will see another of the legendary swords, but just before taking it, we will be surprised by an enemy, it is the same as Jack Ice, but with a reddish color and with another name, which is Ice Queen.

Al vencer a la criatura nos daremos de cuenta que la estada era falsa, por lo que sentiremos el derrumbamiento de algo a lo lejos, al avanzar veremos que hay un nuevo camino, por lo que al entrar en él notaremos que hay una roca lago de los Danans.

Al salir por la entrada derecha y llegar a la cima de la montaña, encontraremos la auténtica espada, por lo que desde el fondo aparecerá un nuevo jefe enemigo, el cual se llama Dyaus.


Y así finaliza la publicación de hoy hermanos y hermanas Gamers, espero les sea de su agrado y nos vemos en otra publicación, hasta la próxima.

When we defeat the creature we will realize that the stay was false, so we will feel the collapse of something in the distance, as we move forward we will see that there is a new path, so when we enter it we will notice that there is a rock lake of the Danans.

When we go out the right entrance and reach the top of the mountain, we will find the real sword, so from the bottom will appear a new enemy boss, which is called Dyaus.

To be continued...

And so ends today's publication brothers and sisters Gamers, I hope you like it and see you in another publication, until next time.

Source / Fuente lion

Source / Fuente Castle of Castlevania

Source / Fuente Terra Blade of Terraria

Los separadores son de mi autoría, los captures son realizados desde mi perfil de jugador en mi ordenador, las ediciones del gif son creados por mí.

The separators are of my authorship, the captures are made from my player profile on my computer, the gif edits are created by me.

Programas que utilicé para crear mi diseño es este:

This is the program I used to create my design:

Gif y portada cortesía de Canva

Gif and cover courtesy of Canva

Traducido por Deepl


The operators doing V2K with remote neural monitoring want me to believe this lady @battleaxe is an operator. She is involved in the same discord groups around @fyrstikken and friends. Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. Shes in some groups with seemingly detached characters that dont even acknowledge the others in the group, looking oddly staged. She starts projects and does nothing with it or the delegations after its used to sway people. Like @steempowertwins does<------fake along with her @teamgood <------fake. No substance in her comments and has a following that adores her for what? Life coach she is not nor is she insightful with any meaningful skills to follow. Ruler of pixie dust maybe? I would like for someone to show me but probably wont out fear maybe? @fyrstikken groups around him down voted me into censored and not viewable on my accounts as soon I told what they were doing.

I cant prove @battleaxe is the one directly doing the V2K and RNM. Doing it requires more than one person at the least. It cant be done alone. She cant prove she is not one of the ones doing V2K because she cant and could care less. I guarantee she knows this is going around and still wont prove it because she cant. Many of us here can prove what they have been doing to survive the past 5 years. What does she live off of? It definitely isnt in public view here.

I was drugged in my home covertly, it ended badly. They have been trying to kill me using RNM with applied V2K mental games while revealing as many accessories to the crime as they can. I bet nobody does anything at all. Ask @battleaxe to prove it. I bet she wont. Pretty serious accusations to just blow off and leave the crypto community hanging in fear of this danger.

They want me to believe the V2K and RNM in me is being broadcast from her location. And what the fuck is "HOMELAND SECURITY" doing about this shit? I think stumbling over their own dicks maybe? Just like they did and are doing with the Havana Syndrome. They should start by looking at the communications between the top witnesses of Hive and the connection to @fyrstikken groups. Google his fucking name and see where his other interests lie around at least once maybe? The connections between @fyrstikken groups and all the exchanges built for Hive? Bet that would reveal some crazy ball less nutty shit. Homeland security should start preparing for their own incarcerations seeing how sloppy this was done. Patriot act my ass. Think we are really fools? Bad position your not getting out of. Dont be last to blow the whistle. Who will protect you?

People in and around @fyrstikken groups are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 long torturing years and counting. That is a long time to wait for someone to die.

What would you say while having a gun pointed at your head from an undisclosed location? Have people find it? My hands are tied while they play like children with a gun to my head. Its a terrorist act on American soil while some yawn and say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and why nothing is being done. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control that have ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers prevented from telling the truth from being treated as criminals? Not to mention civilians we let our leaders treat the same way.

I cant wait for law enforcement to help and the police arrest them. They are trying to kill me, I am being assaulted as you read this. They are shocking me to anything I think and agree with me that they need to be arrested. It is maddening torture. They litterally assault me hundreds of times a day. The people in my head dont care about anything but themselves, do not trust any of them. Stop them before people needlessly die.
