Utilizing Narrow Land for the Future of #homesteading


Hello all #homesteading lovers.

Life is not difficult, what is difficult is our thoughts, life is field, what is narrow in our hearts, life is cheap, what is expensive is our prestige.

Many people complain about how difficult it is to live at this time, when times are changing, technology continues to develop, the digital era continues to penetrate various corners of the world, life is even more difficult.

I don't agree with complaints like that, because basically life is not difficult, but sometimes we often make it difficult for ourselves with dead-end, uncreative thoughts and always instill difficult life concepts in our minds.

as long as we want to do, try, and pray to God, then life will always feel easy, and the important thing is creativity in doing and finding and developing existing ideas, creating a homesteading concept is a good solution in my opinion.

Everyone certainly has their own concept of #homesteading with various interpretations, and today I will not explain at length about the concept of #homesteading that everyone has, but I will try to show what I did to start my #homesteading.

What am I doing..........?

First, by utilizing the empty land in front of my house, I made several small beds to plant spinach and kale.

I chose these two plants, because both of them can be used as delicious vegetables, besides that, cultivating them is also easy and the harvest period also doesn't take long, only around 12-15 days.

Indeed, at this time the price of spinach and kale on the market is very cheap, and that has caused many people to prefer to buy them at the market or in supermarkets rather than having to cultivate them themselves.

But not with me, I prefer to cultivate it myself, considering that the results of my own cultivation are more natural, without the use of pesticides, besides that my own cultivation will save cooking time, without having to go to the supermarket or market.

To cultivate it is very easy, I make small beds according to the size of the land I have, loosen the soil and sow the seeds, and water it 2 times a day, in the morning and evening.

Avoid using insect and pest pesticides, also avoid using chemical fertilizers, use organic compounds for spraying and fertilizing, that's all.

Apart from that, I also cultivate lemons which are currently popular among the public because they have many health benefits, such as treating coughs, preventing and lowering cholesterol and high blood pressure and several other diseases.

You can start cultivating a few lemons first in your yard, and then you can multiply them in the garden by taking seeds from lemon plants that are already fruitful, you can even take the branches directly and stick them in the garden, by watering them regularly, the lemons will grow. automatically.

If cultivated in large quantities, these lemons can be sold to make money and support the family's economy, because currently the selling price of lemons in the market is very high.

Hybrid coconut is the right choice to cultivate next to the house or take advantage of the narrow land around the house.

In contrast to coconuts in general, which take a long time to bear fruit and can be harvested, hybrid coconuts will bear fruit in less than 3 years after being planted, and even if the soil conditions are fertile, this hybrid coconut will bear fruit and can be harvested at the age of 2 years.

My hybrid coconut is only 2 years old, and has already borne fruit, indeed I don't cultivate it in large quantities considering that the seeds are difficult to get, even if someone sells them it is of course at a high price, so I decided to cultivate just a few sticks and will multiply the seeds myself.

Apart from that, by taking advantage of the narrow vacant land behind my house, I also cultivate some cacao trees, pandan leaves, super spicy cayenne pepper, and a one-year-old Jamaican guava tree.

There is no reason for us to be lazy and don't want to work, because success will not come to people who are lazy and hopeless.

Keep trying, do what you can sincerely and believe, then God will give you abundant and unexpected sustenance.

Greetings from me


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