
Its been a year since i post on here, motherhood is no joke and its not for the faint hearted. Since i welcome my second daughter its been a roller coaster for me and its not been easy combining motherhood and any other thing especially if there is no one around to help with the kids.


I welcome my baby last year November and honestly I cant believe she is seven months already, feels like yesterday and I am so happy she is growing so well and healthy. it wasn't an easy ride since I got pregnant and that was one of the reason I stayed away for so long but I am grateful for life and for the privilege to be back here.I more determine than ever to be my better self, for myself, my kids and my family. its not going to be an easy ride but i really miss my first love which is writing. This is the best way i express myself and its part of me.


My little baby is growing so fast and i am happy how the whole family have adjusted to the new reality of having this amazing creature in our midst. To be candid it wasnt easy adjusting to this new reality. The sleepless nights and also the timing, nobody can really prepare you for something like this you have to experience it yourself to be able to understand the journey. These days i have great respect for my mom because i am a mother now. I can imagine all the sacrifice she made raising four kids and how she would have keep her business on a hold to raise her kids. Kudos to all mothers out there.


While we were still trying to adjust to the reality of baby Mimi my first daughter was doing just fine the played the role of baby sister so well. i was expecting some level of jealousy as 100 percent attention shifted from her but she was so understanding and would play with her sister all day. She is super excited about her new baby that she wants to carry her all day if possible and has really been helpful. I am so glad i didnt have to deal with the siblings jealous at all.

A hug to every mother out there going through one struggle or the other and beginning to loose hope, please don't give up! There is light at the end of the tunnel. All your sacrifices will be worth it soon.

All image used in this post are my personal pictures
