

For centuries, turmeric has been used as a spice in almost all the kitchens. The turmeric spice can be added to your food or taken as a supplement as it is an anti inflammatory. It has been proved to be very effective in the treatment of various kinds of stomach conditions including heartburn. Many studies have also revealed that turmeric is highly beneficial for the treatment of cancer. As turmeric is a powerful antioxidant it works wonders for the fight against cancer cells.


Due to its powerful antioxidant properties, turmeric should not be consumed by people with gastro-intestinal disorder, bile blockage, gall stones and any other digestive disease. But, if taken properly with food it can serve as a wonderful appetizer. The spice contains a variety of flavonoids and the most active ingredient is curcumin which is a derivative of turmeric. This side effect of turmeric is found only in raw form. So, when you are buying turmeric spice choose the one that has the optimized amount of curcumin.

The garam masala spice has a yellow color and is one of the most popular ingredients in North Indian cuisine. It is derived from the root of plantain and has a bitter taste. It is used in many dishes as it adds a flavor to the food. The flavor of this spice declines as the plant gets old. But, it is a wonderful flavonoid that is very much useful for the cardiovascular system.

Ayurvedic medicine includes three main components viz., Suvarna Bhasma, Abhrak Bhasma and Suvarna Tandoori. Suvarna Bhasma is one of the most frequently used ingredients in ayurvedic medicines all over the world. It helps in improving digestion and also fights skin disorders such as psoriasis and eczema. When it combines with turmeric, it becomes an excellent remedy for problems associated with the stomach and intestines. It is also known for its strong antibacterial properties.


Turmeric contains a lot of anti-oxidants which play a major role in preventing free radical damage. It prevents DNA destruction and also prevents lipid peridoxation which may lead to cancer. It fights the enzymes that produce free radicals and thus works extremely well in protecting the body from disease and aging. An active ingredient curcumin found in turmeric known as "cilioxidant C" is effective in fighting cancerous cells. Cibulopathy is an inherited cardio vascular disorder that can be treated with the administration of turmeric in its pure form.

The benefits of curcumin against heart diseases were realized only after the completion of Ayurvedic studies. In fact, turmeric has more antioxidant effects than Vitamin E! This astonishing discovery was made possible by the usage of turmeric in Ayurvedic preparations. There are two types of ingredients curcumin and curcuminoids; flavonoids and catechins, which impart excellent health benefits.

One of the most impressive health benefits of turmeric is its ability to fight inflammation. Inflammation is the main culprit in most diseases affecting the human body including arthritis, Alzheimer's disease and even cancer. Since inflammation is directly linked to many chronic degenerative diseases, the anti-oxidant effects of curcumin and turmeric make this natural herb a powerful weapon in the fight against inflammation. However, it is important to note that these health benefits were only realized when turmeric was first included in Ayurvedic formulations.

In order to maximize the health benefits of turmeric, it is best to take it in its purest form, which is available only from a single tree branch collected from India every spring. If you cannot find a tree that supplies this turmeric extract, then you can also buy it in capsule form, which contain all of the active ingredients. The powder form of turmeric will help retain the potency of the compound while adding the benefit of faster absorption. It is also advisable to purchase this supplement from an FDA approved facility, as quality control is not very strict in this industry. Buying this supplement from a non FDA approved facility, or even buying supplements from a seller with questionable integrity, may leave you stuck with harmful toxins.


This was a very informative and brilliantly written article on the healthy benefits as well as the pros and cons of using turmeric! Thank you very much for sharing it! Keep up the good work, all the best, much health, and joy along with your close/dear ones! :)


Thank you so much. I am very happy you liked my post.


Gladly! You're most welcome indeed! I am very happy in the first place for reading it! Keep up the good work! :)
