Hibiscus flowers that bloom in the afternoon and the benefits that I know


Hi all hive friends? good night and hope you all are well. This time I will share pictures of hibiscus flowers in my wife's flower garden. The name Hibiscus is a group of Malvaceae, namely the cotton-cotton group which is a two-seeded plant. (dicot). This flower, which has the scientific name Hibiscus rosa – sinensis L., comes from East Asia.





Although this hibiscus flower does not have a fragrance, it has many benefits, and these are the benefits of hibiscus that I know of.
in India, hibiscus flowers are often used as offering flowers. In addition, hibiscus flowers can also be used to polish shoes.
While in China, red hibiscus flowers are used as food coloring.
in Indonesia, the leaves and hibiscus are used in various traditional medicines. Well, dried hibiscus flowers can be drunk as tea.
Because it contains anticyanin and antioxidants, hibiscus tea can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels
Hopefully some of the pictures that I present can entertain all of you who are resting. Because I'm tired of the activities that friends do today, like me? I'm grateful to wake up in the middle of the night. And immediately took a smartphone and greeted all of my friends, and immediately created the content that I had prepared this afternoon.


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