Amazing Nature Contest: "Botany" [Eng - Esp]


Hello dear friends of the hive and lovers of the natural world, on the occasion of participating in the initiative on amazing nature, I want to refer to one of the most attractive aspects of our environment, as is the colorful botanical branch, manifested in the characteristic trees of our tropical climate, specifically in the central western plains of our beloved country Venezuela.

Hola estimados amigos de la colmena y amantes del mundo natural, con motivo de participar en la iniciativa sobre naturaleza asombrosa, quiero hacer referencia a uno de los aspectos más atractivos de nuestro ambiente, como lo es la colorida rama botánica, manifestada en los árboles característicos de nuestro clima tropical, específicamente en los llanos centro occidentales, de nuestro amado país Venezuela.


This peculiar tree, whose scientific name is Delonix Regia and is known in popular slang as "Red Acacia" or "Tree of Josefino", is typical of the plains region of the country. During the strong winter and part of the summer season, it usually goes unnoticed because its color is green, like the entire landscape. But with the first rains of April, it begins its beautiful transformation, filling with an intense red color in each of its flowers.

Este peculiar árbol, tiene como nombre científico Delonix Regia y se le conoce en el argot popular como "Acacia Roja" o "Árbol de Josefino"; es típico de la región llanera del país. Durante el invierno fuerte y parte de la estación de verano, suele pasar desapercibido porque su color es verde, al igual que todo el paisaje. Pero con las primeras lluvias del mes de abril, inicia su hermosa transformación, llenándose de un color rojo intenso en cada una de sus flores.


When it reaches the peak of flowering, the intense red petals cover the branches of the tree in such a way that its small green leaves almost disappear from sight. The cycle of the red acacia tree lasts only a few weeks, but with its presence it stands out in the distance to adorn the greening of the fields. Fortunately, in the yard of the company I work for there are 3 specimens of this species and I had the opportunity to photograph it for you.

Al llegar al punto máximo de floración, los pétalos de color rojo intenso, cubren de tal manera las ramas del árbol, que sus pequeñas hojas verdes casi desaparecen de nuestra vista. El ciclo de la acacia roja dura pocas semanas, pero con su presencia resalta a lo lejos, para engalanar el reverdecer de los campos. Por fortuna, en el patio de la empresa para la que laboro hay 3 ejemplares de esta especie y tuve la oportunidad de fotografiarlo para ustedes.


It was a pleasant surprise to see this plant up close, I think it is its first flowering; it is a tree that does not grow much and does not take up so much space. When the flowering cycle concludes, it leaves a kind of red carpet around it, so with the end of that stage, it is still spectacular to see it. Definitely, our national nature is wonderful and we should feel fortunate for that.

Resultó una grata sorpresa ver esta planta de cerca, creo que es su primera floración; es un árbol que no crece mucho y no ocupa tanto espacio. Cuando el ciclo de floración concluye, deja una especie de alfombra roja a su alrededor, así que con el fin del esa etapa, sigue siendo espectacular verlo. Definitivamente, nuestra naturaleza nacional es maravillosa y debemos sentirnos afortunados por ello.


See you soon

All images are my property, taken with my cell phone Model Redmi 8.

Todas las imágenes son de mi propiedad, tomadas con mi teléfono móvil Modelo Redmi 8.


¡Hasta pronto!

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La opinión en esta publicación es de carácter personal por parte del autor.
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The opinion in this publication is of a personal nature on the part of the author.
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Thank you for entering the competition.
The scientific name of the tree and determining where it grows is valuable information for the community :-)



It is a pleasure for me to address this topic, in this great community.

Thank you for your welcome.


Love these trees and the flowers, make shade during the hot months in Durban normally around Christmas bringing a feel of merriment by their very presence.



True friend @joanstewart, to see several trees of this species together is a spectacle to be appreciated.

It is a festive red that lasts for weeks before falling and looking like a carpet.

Thanks for your comment,



The pretty flower close up, here is one I took a couple of years ago when out walking. My brother has one in his front garden.


Tiny leaves appear to close at night, leaves also messy when fall comes for them. 😅


Simple wonderfull my friend, Nature it's amazing jajaja


Everything is delightful in each season excites you to be out there....

