The devastating report of the use of Cocaine in Rugby

Es posible que ya haya comenzado a escuchar de esta noticia, que ha estado invadiendo las portadas de muchos diarios de todo el mundo y es que se revelado que una considerable cantidad de jugadores franceses de Rugby han estado consumiendo cocaína, poniendo sus vidas en riesgo y burlándose de los controles antidopajes.

El uso de drogas prohibidas en el deporte y en la sociedad en general como todos ya sabemos. El uso de la cocaína trae consecuencias muy perjudiciales para la salud. El consumo de la cocaina puede afectar el corazon, la presion arterial, ademas de que las personas que consumen cocaina presentan cuadros de violencia, irritabilidad e irracionalidad.

El reporte presentado muestra que No son casos aislados de consumo de cocaina en el Rugby, sino que hay una gran cantidad de deportistas que han estado usando esta droga.


No son solo profesionales sino tambien amateurs que han estado envueltos en el consumo de cocaína, lo que significa que es un tema bastante delicado, pues como digo no es un caso aislado sino que es un mal sistemico en este deporte.

Segun he leido la confesión de un jugador de Rugby en la que el dice que "desea que todo hombre pueda ser jugador profesional algun día". Que interesante me ha parecido esta confesión pues de ahi que podamos extraer algunas preguntas.

¿Que se necesita para ser jugador profesional de Rugby?
¿Cualquier persona puede llegar a ser jugador de Rugby?
¿Que tanto ventaja puede darnos la cocaína para que cualquiera que la consuma pueda llegarse a convertir en jugador?

Aquí no quiero decir que si usted consume cocaína se hará jugador profesional de Rugby nada mas alejado de la realidad, pero que quiso decir este jugador. Acá creo que es probable que haya querido decir que a menudo los jugadores de Rugby suelen drogarse para relajar la presión de los juegos y de toda la temporada, pero ¿acaso los demas deportes no tienen sus dificultades?


Según este informe que fue divulgado por un famoso diario de Francia al menos 14 jugadores del maximo campeonato frances de Rugby prestaron testimonio, segun ellos desde ya hace decadas que la cocaína entro al mundo del rugby y al parecer las autoridades no pueden hacer nada para detenerla, lo que sería uno de los principales problemas, el de no darle un alto a este mal.

El problema que tambien veo es que los jugadores de Rugby están prestando sus declaraciones, pero lo hacen desde el anonimato lo que esta haciendo que se señalen entre ellos y acepten que la mayoria de jugadores esten consumiendo drogas,segun sus propias declaraciones.


¿Y los controles antidopajes?

Algo particular de la cocaina es que no permanece en la orina más alla de las 48 horas, por lo tanto los jugadores suelen consumirla al inicio de la semana por lo tanto no quedan rastros de la droga durante la semana ni en los días de partido.

Las autoridades deben de saber que los jugadores están usando drogas, no obstante y este es mi opinion, creo que se hacen de la vista gorda, quizas por miedo o por otras razones para no poner un castigo ejemplar a los jugadores y a los clubes que estan permitiendo esto.

Mano dura, castigos ejemplares y multas a los jugadores que usen cocaina, pero no las multas ridiculas que el pais galo tiene de alrededor de 200 euros sino, una multa ejemplar con sanciones definitivas a los que caigan en esta droga.

La fiesta de la cocaina como un jugador dijo que era despues de un partido. Las autoridades deberian de parar esa "fiesta".

Diseño sin título.gif

The devastating report of the use of Cocaine in Rugby

You may have already started to hear about this news, which has been invading the front pages of many newspapers around the world and is that it is revealed that a considerable number of French Rugby players have been consuming cocaine, putting their lives at risk and making a mockery of anti-doping controls.

The use of prohibited drugs in sport and in society in general as we all know. The use of cocaine has very harmful consequences for health. The use of cocaine can affect the heart, blood pressure, in addition to the fact that people who use cocaine show signs of violence, irritability and irrationality.

The report presented shows that these are not isolated cases of cocaine use in Rugby, but that there are a large number of athletes who have been using this drug.


They are not only professionals but also amateurs who have been involved in the consumption of cocaine, which means that it is a very delicate issue, because as I say it is not an isolated case but it is a systematic evil in this sport.

I have read the confession of a Rugby player in which he says that he "wishes that every man could be a professional player one day". How interesting I found this confession because from it we can extract some questions.

What does it take to be a professional Rugby player?
Can anyone become a Rugby player?
How much advantage can cocaine give us so that anyone who consumes it can become a player?

Here I do not want to say that if you consume cocaine you will become a professional Rugby player, nothing further from reality, but what did this player mean. Here I think he probably meant that Rugby players often use drugs to relax the pressure of the games and the whole season, but don't other sports have their difficulties?


According to this report that was published by a famous French newspaper, at least 14 players of the French Rugby championship have testified, according to them, since decades ago cocaine entered the rugby world and it seems that the authorities can not do anything to stop it, which would be one of the main problems, not to give a stop to this evil.

The problem I also see is that the Rugby players are giving their statements, but they do it from anonymity which is making them point to each other and accept that most players are using drugs, according to their own statements.


What about doping controls?

One particular thing about cocaine is that it does not remain in the urine for more than 48 hours, therefore players usually consume it at the beginning of the week so there are no traces of the drug during the week or on match days.

The authorities should know that the players are using drugs, however, and this is my opinion, I think they turn a blind eye, perhaps out of fear or for other reasons not to make an exemplary punishment to the players and clubs that are allowing this.

Hard hand, exemplary punishments and fines to the players who use cocaine, but not the ridiculous fines that the Gallic country has of around 200 euros but, an exemplary fine with definitive sanctions to those who fall into this drug.

La fiesta de la cocaina como un jugador dijo que era despues de un partido. Las autoridades deberian de parar esa "fiesta".

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Interesting... I agree with you, something has to be done as fast as possible! Thanks for sharing !1UP


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Good to see you posting again. This has been a problem for some time and some big names in world rugby have fallen foul of cocaine in France. Big money contracts and a laid back lifestyle sounds like heaven unless you are introduced to the drug scene. I suspect that some of the clubs have an underlying drug problem especially in Paris as that is where the previous players were caught. Drug testing should be picking this up and the clubs should be encouraging random tests more often. great post but I cannot forward it for more curation as you haven't been commenting and will only be rejected.


Hey thanks for your comment. Yes now that I have reviewed it I think I missed to put an introduction about the use of drugs or something like that as you say, but I wanted to post something after so long without writing anything.
Of course I understand the rules of being active in the community so it's ok if I'm not cured. But.
I'm back.
