Qatar 2022: Stadium 974


Qatar 2022: Stadium 974


Bueno esta Horrible edición del mundial como todos sabemos tendrá lugar en Qatar, país que no es de mi favoritas, tampoco lo incluiría en la lista de países por visitar (si tuviera una) esta edición del mundial que para mí no tendrá ningún valor y el que salga campeón no tendrá validez, he dicho.

Bien voy a dejar las tonterías a un lado por un momento. Qatar se le conoce por su capacidad para construir edificios impresionantes, el desarrollo arquitectónico del país es sin dudas unos de los principales atractivos del país, que viola muchos derechos humanos fundamentales.

De ahí que se pueda esperar y se genere grandes expectativas de lo que puede ofrecer el país a nivel de construcción de estadios pues cuentan con un gran capital para contratar a los mejores ingenieros o arquitectos.


Well this Horrible edition of the World Cup as we all know will take place in Qatar, a country that is not one of my favorites, neither would I include it in the list of countries to visit (if I had one) this edition of the World Cup that for me will have no value and whoever comes out champion will have no validity, I said.

Well I'm going to leave the nonsense aside for a moment. Qatar is known for its ability to build impressive buildings, the architectural development of the country is undoubtedly one of the main attractions of the country, which violates many fundamental human rights.

Hence, it can be expected and great expectations of what the country can offer in terms of stadium construction, as they have a large capital to hire the best engineers or architects.

De ahí que aunque no es una maravilla arquitectónica, me parece que es lo suficientemente impresionante o al menos ingenioso lo que Qatar ha hecho para este mundial.

El Stadium 974 es el nombre que le han puesto al estadio que será testigo de los principales juegos en esta Copa del Mundo. El estadio tendrá una capacidad máxima para unas 40,000 personas. El estadio será una de las principales atracciones para las personas que se den cita en ese país.

¿Qué es lo que lo hace tan especial a este estadio?

Pues lo que me ha parecido tan interesante, desde un principio, que el estadio estará construido con contenedores de acero de carga marítima, que pondrá volver a cruzar los mares una vez que la justa mundialista termine y todo el show haya acabado.


Hence, although it is not an architectural marvel, I think it is sufficiently impressive or at least ingenious what Qatar has done for this World Cup.

Stadium 974 is the name they have given to the stadium that will witness the main games in this World Cup. The stadium will have a maximum capacity of 40,000 people. The stadium will be one of the main attractions for people coming to the country.

What makes this stadium so special?

Well, what has been so interesting to me from the beginning is that the stadium will be built with steel shipping containers, which will be able to cross the seas again once the World Cup is over and the show is over.


Esto quiere decir que el estadio será “desmontable” por lo que quiere decir que este estadio será solamente “temporal” para esta edición de este mega evento. Me gusta mucho la idea que han tenido las autoridades qataríes, creo que no voy a repetir eso nunca más. Pues la inversión que una nación hace para un mundial es de miles de millones de dólares y no cualquier país está en la capacidad de hacer megas inversiones en construir estadios e infraestructura que solo funcionarán durante un mes y luego no volverán a usarse.

Qatar no es que sea un país que se conozca por su cultura futbolística, ni siquiera deportiva, ¿Qué deporte práctica Qatar además de violar los derechos humanos por diversión? Respuesta rápida, ninguno.

Me ha parecido una gran idea como ya he dicho antes, que este estadio sea temporal y solo se use para este evento, pues así se evitan las tristes vistas que muchas veces se repiten, cuando una vez terminado los eventos como el mundial o juegos olímpicos, las construcciones quedan abandonadas y en desuso.


This means that the stadium will be "demountable" which means that this stadium will be only "temporary" for this edition of this mega event. I really like the idea that the Qatari authorities have had, I think I will never repeat that again. For the investment that a nation makes for a world cup is billions of dollars and not any country is in the capacity to make mega investments in building stadiums and infrastructure that will only work for a month and then will not be used again.

Qatar is not that it is a country that is known for its soccer culture, or even sports, what sport does Qatar play besides violating human rights for fun? Quick answer, none.

I thought it was a great idea as I have said before, that this stadium is temporary and only used for this event, as this avoids the sad sights that are often repeated, when once the events such as the world cup or Olympic games are over, the buildings are abandoned and disused.

Qatar ha construido estadios increíbles creo visualmente son de los más bonitos del mundo, además que van a contar con sistemas modernos e innovador de estadios totalmente climatizados, los cuales creo que será modelo para las futuras construcciones. Un punto muy favor de la organización de Qatar para este mundial, que creo que será particularmente bien organizado, habrá que ver como son recibidos los turistas en ese país.

Qatar no es de mis países favoritos, pero la idea de hacer estadios que serán usados después de otra manera me agrada mucho y pinta una sonrisa en mi cara.

Qatar has built incredible stadiums, I think they are visually one of the most beautiful in the world, and they will also have modern and innovative systems of fully air-conditioned stadiums, which I believe will be a model for future constructions. A very favorable point for the organization of Qatar for this World Cup, which I think will be particularly well organized, we will have to see how tourists are received in that country.

Qatar is not one of my favorite countries, but the idea of building stadiums that will later be used in other ways pleases me a lot and puts a smile on my face.



I think you are correct when it comes to the predicition that his Worl Cup will be horrible. It is so mind blowing to me that the stadiums are not even getting used after that. Such a waste of a World Cup if you ask me :/


That's right my friend and you know what is the worst of it all is that I think this is going to be the last of the World Cups as we know them because later on there will be World Cups with more countries or selections and this will possibly lower the level.


While I orginally always thought more countires would be nice, I came to the realization that more countries would really lower the level, as you just said.
The games will be not worth watching anymore and it will be only fun to watch once it gets to the semi-finals.

Let's see how the future will look like :)


Although it is true that it gives the opportunity to more countries to play a World Cup, the level of this will be reduced by these same countries that most likely will not be as good, which takes away the opportunity to see the best teams playing against each other.


I can see this being the most hated World Cup ever as Qatar has nothing going for it. Football fans like to drink alcohol and unless they have some special venues set up iced teas and coffee are no substitute. This is not a dream destination and even if I was a football fan i would skip this event.


Oh and I still forgot that it will be difficult to buy alcohol and other things, this World Cup is getting uglier and uglier and it hasn't even started yet!
This World Cup will not be valid, this World Cup does not count.
