Good morning!
Good afternoon!
Good evening!

Depending on when this article meets you. I am happy to finally take this bold step to be a part of this ecosystem.
So you could say, I finally broke out of my shell
Yes! I happen to have a shy and somewhat timid personality, this has nothing to do with low self esteem, I am just a very reserved person
Forgive me if I make a few mistakes here and there, I am still receiving the necessary guidelines about all I need to know about here, learning about the rules and regulations that govern this place.
My first and introductory post should have come earlier than now but I was too timid and afraid to do so because I was scared about making mistake and thinking about what I would really tell you guys so as not to be judged or criticised in any form, although I am not totally against criticism, especially if made in a constructive way and manners.

The more I waited the more impossible it seemed to come up with something so today being the first of May, 2024 I made up my mind and took that bold step of faith, and here I am.
I am Kracie, a self-taught digital illustrator and artist. I don't know to what level I should consider myself, you could say I am still a baby artist as I am learning everyday to improve my skills. Like they say, we learn every day and that's what happens with my art each time I put myself out there to draw or sketch any piece.


Fine Art was one of my most preferred subjects in school. I loved the enthusiasm that comes with exercising my fingers with my pencils, I love the wild imagination that comes while painting.
I love the level of communication and relationship I have with my paint/sketch books.
I mostly liter my room with pieces of drawing books and papers here and there.
You could say I don't just draw because I want to learn how to draw, I draw because I love to draw, there is a satisfying feelings that comes with it.
So as a result of this, I am always eager to connect with artists, amateurs or professionals, I just love to see everyone's work, how they draw and paint, what their thoughts about art is and of course their style, because every Artist has his or her own unique style.
I'm mostly identified with artists on most of my social platforms and I am still hoping to do that because I love to find myself in their space, either virtually or otherwise.

I got to learn about this ecosystem from a friend who has a knowledge about my keen passion and love for Art.
She is much better than I am when it comes to Art and I am still learning to be as good as her and many others, so forgive my shabbiness if you ever come across my work.
She told me about this ecosystem and how I could share my work and progress and also get to learn one or two from other artists as well.

I gave it some thoughts before I finally gave in to her push and motivation.
I am not really one who loves to share my shabbiness with the world, I only sketch and draw in my closet but if there is a chance and a platform for me to share my work, learn and connect with others and also get some stipends from it, then why not?
Having said this, I guess you already have an idea about my reason for showing up late for the show
I pray and hope that this ecosystem which I have decided to be a part of, will welcome me with open arms, guide and correct me where and when necessary and also support my little shabby but interesting pieces.
I hope to connect with others in the nearest future and I hope this would be the beginning of something beautiful for me.
Thank you for hearing me out, It's an honour and I hope to see you next time as well, Selah!.

The above image is my artwork

1st May, 2024


Welcome to the best web3 network ever, Kracie. Have fun around here!


The best?
We will see about that.
Thank you 🙏


Hi, and welcome. I’ve only been here a little while myself and from what I’ve experienced, you won’t find anyone criticising you. I was introduced, early in my Hive experience, to a community called FreeCompliments. They’re lovely there and all really supportive.

Enjoy your time here.


Oh really?
I hope so.
So I can welcome you as well since you are also new here 🥺
Welcome too and thank you for welcoming me.
I hope I enjoy my stay here


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This is a good start 🥹
I will try my best to keep up the target


You are welcome @kracie! It is great to see you are taking your first steps on Hive! Great work!
